

Latest answers from #hfp HURTS DESIRE TOUR

https://www.informationhurts.com/home/ nie no już 9 festiwali mają zapowiedzianych na lato więc występować będą tylko, że nie u nas :-( ja chętnie bym pojechała tylko jakoś nigdzie mi nie po drodze :'-(

W sumie nie wiem czemu wpadłam, ale w sumie jak już jestem to w sumie przypomnę, że jeszcze żyję na www.hurtspoland.tumblr.com i www.instagram.com/hurtspolska
Praktycznie nie dodaję nic ostatnio, ale jestem. A oprócz tego dzisiaj tchnęło mnie coś na stworzenie 2 playlist:
Żegnam, Kochani!

czy Theo miał żonę ? W internecie są jakieś szczątkowe informację o rzekomej żonie...

Nigdy w życiu.

Kto jednym spojrzeniem potrafi uspokoić Twój gniew?

Myślę, że każdy powinien napisać kolejny list od Adama skierowany do nas:
This picture haunts me. I see it around sometimes. It unnerves me and so I have the urge to face it. I was 8.5 stone here. I am nearly 6ft tall and that is a lowly weight. My muscles had started to die and I was eating about 500 calories a day. Salmon, broccoli and sweet potato were the only foods I ate for a year. All three of those ingredients were three times a day. Three beautiful footnotes in a bigger, more complete history. No invaders. Harshly rationed. On a loop (петля). Any other food item was considered a threat, especially if prepared by another human.
When I look at this picture I see someone desperate to regain some control. I used food as a (flawed) method to gain back control. As a way to empower a reality that had become bleak.
But eating disorders are not so black and white. We brand them too easily. If it's not Anorexia or Bulimia then what is it?
I used to feel invalidated by my circumstances. I could not be defined by google. And I spent roughly 14 hours a day trying to be defined by google. I became a nameless anomaly. Now, years later and having emerged slowly from the other side, I understand that our unconscious mind manifests itself in mysterious and bespoke ways. We are programmed to require our pain to be defined- but it's not always possible. Some of us are left in a psychological purgatory. For me that presented itself as an unnamed eating disorder. For others it's a drug addiction, a codependency, a withdrawal from society, a physical pain, an addiction to love, an addiction to solitude, to alcoholism, to a host of other mechanisms that make us feel momentarily better.
I suppose the message of this is that we can all get a bit lost sometimes looking for answers. The pursuit of it can sweep us away.
In the harshest of times, try and be decent to yourselves. It's rock hard but try. Try not to look for society to label your pain. Instead look to self acceptance and self compassion. Allow uncertainty to have its moment. I'm a tyrannical monster but even I see there's definitely salvation to be had in self acceptance. In letting go of the fight. Letting go is not giving up.
Important that bit. A x

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na insta stories Adama słychać jak ogłaszany jest samolot to Bydgoszczy :') czy tylko mi się marzy koncert Hurts z PL? nie koniecznie w tym mieście xd

wątpię, że tylko tobie:')

https://78.media.tumblr.com/ee6a0c7b7f2401702e164f9c89d5ce42/tumblr_p9fzlw6OhV1qgr1apo1_540.jpg gdzie to kochane Słonko zgubiło swój kolczyk? Mimo że bardzo nie lubię biżuterii u facetów to jednak wolę Theo z kolczykiem!!! A ty? :-)

Właśnie napisałam o tym postprzedwczoraj czy tam wczoraj na Tumblr😂 Znaczy dla mnie bez różnicy w sumie, jego wybór. Tylko no nie pamietam kiedy go ostatnio wiedziałam na występie bez, bo to taki jeden ze znaków rozpoznawczych. Mam nadzieję, że nie skończył z nim kompletnie, haha.

Language: English