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If you were a Gym Leader, what would your Type, Badge, and Gym Maze be?

Nora Brooks: I guess I'd be fire-type so I could use Burner. My badge? Uuuuh...The Nora...Badge. And my maze would be...Ooh, an escalator! But I'd be on the top floor and the escalator would be going down. None shall pass, mwahahaha!
Liked by: sleuth Kwando!

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Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

Nora Brooks: I'd like to think I'm a pretty good listener but like I mean it kinda depends on who the other person is I mean I wouldn't mind listening to someone like Al talk for a while because he's cool and I like having conversations with him but on the other hand there are people that are just annoying or jerks like those kind of people that show off how cool the Pokemon they caught then shoved into PC forever is without even naming them or there's people like Joe where just being around them makes you uncomfortable so like I couldn't even carry on a conversation with them let alone actively listen to them and I mean some people just talk way too much and can go on blabbing for hours and hours and it's like seriously what's the deal where's the fire do you really need to get out so many words all at one time like take a moment to catch a breath or something geeze it's not like you'll self-destruct if you stop talking for five seconds but then again who knows maybe someone actually has that as like a really rare condition or something you never really know someone's story until you get to know them after all so maybe talking to them even though they're kind of annoying could be an interesting experience and you might actually mke a new good friend in the process and after all friendship is a very important aspect of a happy and healthy life and hey where are you going--?

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Liked by: Kwando!

What did you wish for when you sat on Santa's lap?

Rin Ichirou: I wished for the Kalcion to go away! So maybe Santa is gonna become a Justice Rider and help out, too! Like...the Holly Jolly Rider!

Who would you pick to be on your bowling team?

Kenshin Ichirou: Riders, this is the most difficult mission we've ever had. But when we go out there, we have one goal. We strike. And we strike hard.
GiGi: Crimson-senpai!
Kenshin Ichirou: Yes, GiGi?
GiGi: I have no idea how to play.

What did you guys build with Legos?

Nora Brooks: I tried to build Burner out of them...It just looks like a red and black mess, though...
Yuki Takumi: I built an interpretation of the human soul in physical form! A spontaneous mixture of light and dark that exists within us all!
Liked by: Kwando!

Who has the MOST tragic backstory?

Matt Lockwood: I h@d to de@l with @ bunch of @$$hole$. There'$ nothing more tr@gic th@n th@t.
(in all seriousness maybe Elaine Royce, Lucy Hollow, Platonia, or, the most realistically tragic, Jackie Crow)
Liked by: Kwando!

Favorite Video Games

Matt Lockwood: Don't t@lk to me @bout video g@me$. B@d memorie$.
GiGi: I've played a little classic Mario, I think. It's really old and dated next to games nowadays, but I dunno, I really like it!
Kyo Takahiro: Minesweeper.
Cormac Finnigan: Call of Duty's my kind of thing!
Jackie Crow: Pong.
Liked by: Kwando!

Sitcom AU: 4 characters that form the Happy Family, 1 for that DARN neighbor, and the one character who steals the show.

Kenshin Ichirou: We're just a big happy family.
Wakana Ichirou: Living together peacefully!
Rin Ichirou: But that all changes when we adopt...
The Drifter: A trained assassin collecting bounties to violently strike down with my gattling gun for profit.
Sevaline Oleander: F*** my neighbors.
The footage for "My Best Friend the Hitman" was stolen by an anonymous boy with red hair and dressed in a chained black coat on December 7th, 2014. The series has been cancelled as a result.
Liked by: sleuth

Dear Yuki, stop huffing paint.

Yuki Takumi: The fumes of a can of spraypaint are like the fragrance of freshly cut flowers on a beautiful spring day...but I don't get high off my paint if that's what you're implying.
Liked by: The Enigmaverse

Language: English