

Ask @Imtarun1d

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Tarun, most of my friends have girlfriends but me and I feel really bad. Should I find one or wait??

you should party it up and do everything a single guy does. have fun man.
trust me when the time is right, you'll know and you'll get yourself a girl. :D
Liked by: Avni Kohli Megan Fox

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im having a hard time believing that. all i got told was that he throws everyone away and that you were just a number. honestly, i still can't believe that. you came across so beautifully. it had nothing to do with how you looked. just, how you came and then wham, you just, left?

cool. if you wanted to be a part of my life you wouldn't be anonymous.
you walked away even after i opened doors.
happy life. :)
Liked by: Avni Kohli Megan Fox

Do you like making new friends? Especially the ones who sketched you? #hh

hahaha hi sayesha.
idk i'm not in a good mood right now. #hh
Liked by: Megan Fox

If my big dick was in front of you right now, I would force you to suck it.

what if i pepper sprayed your dick? that would be lovely, wouldn't it? <3 bye
Liked by: Megan Fox

You are doing a great job,if you are ever stuck up with your own life dont feel lonely I'm always here. Everyone needs someone to talk to. here u are helping so many people and I would be really happy if I could help a kind soul like you are Thank you ^_^

Np❤️ :)
Liked by: Megan Fox

would you become a friend with a fat girl?

Last time I checked, physical appearances never affected levels of intelligence, humility or compassion. So if she has a good heart and a good mind, I would go for her. :D

I hate my boyfriend,he flirts with other girls...what should I do?

I have the perfect remedy for you.
Unfollow him + block him + report him+ send him anonymous hate.
You're welcome. Because he's a kutta.
Liked by: Megan Fox

Do you like justin bieber ? lol

I don't hate him. I mean he has achieved more than anyone of us could even think of. He worked hard for what he is now. The only reason that guys hate him is because they're jealous. People start to hate more just because their friends hate him. If someone says they like him, they're called gay. I mean how is liking Justin gay? -_-
You like Eminem. Does that make you gay?No.
Be practical. In fact he should receive love. At his age he's competing against so many Artists around the world, and I'm here feeling happy getting likes while wasting my life.
I respect Justin for what he is now. He worked hard to get there. Maybe few of his songs might just sound a bit girly but then girls love them. Of course he's got many haters but haters gonna hate. I can't change that. You guys might start calling me gay but I don't care cause It really doesn't matter.
But One Direction is too fucking much. Just saying. How can you hate him?

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If she meets you and then falls in love fir? ;) So you must be eagerly waiting for July huh? When is her b'day?

It's my audition for American Idol?
Liked by: Megan Fox

tarun, i think my girlfriend developed feelings for my best friend. What do i do??

Don't assume. Ask her love, maybe they're just friends and you're misunderstanding it. Best of luck. ❤️
Liked by: Megan Fox

I think maybe i developed feelings for you. But I want you to be my friend.

... You don't even know me to have feelings for me.
We could be friends if you stopped being anonymous. k?
don't be scared just come off :) i'm not gonna bite you :D
Liked by: Megan Fox


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