
Deen Imaan

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What is the ruling of pictures according to the Quran and Sunnah?

Narrated 'A’ishah: I used to PLAY with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him), and my girl FRIENDS also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle (Peace and blessings be upon him) used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for 'A’ishah at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fatih-al-Bari page 143, Vol.13) [Bukhari 8:151]
Liked by: Amoudi MISHAAA.

I read the hadith: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "If good is done to someone and then they say "JazakAllahu khairan" to the one who did the good, they have indeed praised them well." [Tirmidhi] If we just say "JazakAllah" (May Allah reward you) instead of the whole "

Though it is better to say JazakAllahu Khairan as REPORTED in the hadith, merely saying JazakAllah is also sufficient for two reasons:
1. It is ACCEPTED in Arabic that sometimes certain words (which are known to one and all) are omitted.
2. There are REPORTS that some Sahabah like Hazrat Ibn Abbaas (r.a.a) sufficed on ‘JazakAllah’. Had this not been permissible, then the Sahaabah would not have used this.
Liked by: Amoudi MISHAAA.

I have been married for six years. I soon realized that my husband is greedy and money minded. He forced me to continue with my job threatening with divorce if I did not. My job is too hectic, I generally come back home late in the evening 7 or 8pm. I feel guilty for my two CHILDREN who are neglect

You have a right to remain at home. He is sinful if he asks you to leave HOME. It is not permissible for you to obey him if he asks you to go out to work. If he divorces then it is a compounded sin upon his head. We advise that you raise this matter with senior members of the family who could help you to resolve this matter in an amicable manner.
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
Liked by: Amoudi MISHAAA.

Whether the 15th night of Sha?ban has a special significance ?

First, there are some hadiths indicating that the 15th night of Sha?ban is significant. Some scholars classified some of these hadiths as authentic. On the other hand, some other scholars considered them as da?if (weak), yet they hold that these hadiths may be acted upon by him who seeks to get closer to Almighty Allah with additional acts of worship.
Of these hadiths is one that is reported by Imam Ahmad and At-Tabarani to the effect that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Almighty Allah descends to the lowest Heaven on the 15th night of Sha?ban and forgives such number of people that is more than the number of the hairs of the sheep of Banu Kalb (a tribe that has a great number of sheep).” But At-Tirmidhi said that Imam Al-Bukhari classified this hadith as weak.
It was also reported on this subject that ?A’ishah, Mother of the Believers, said: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) offered the night vigil Prayer some night, and while he was praying, he prostrated so long that I thought he had passed away, but he lifted his head and finished the Prayer. Then he (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “O ?A’ishah (or O Humaira [as he would call her]), have you thought that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would not give you your right?” I said, “No, by Allah, Allah’s Messenger. But when you stayed prostrating so long, I thought you had passed away.” The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) then said, “Do you know what night this is?” I said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “This is the 15th night of Sha?ban. Almighty Allah turns towards His servants on the 15th of Sha?ban and forgives those who ask for His forgiveness, grants mercy to those who ask for it, and delays (punishing or bringing to account) the evil people.”
This hadith was reported by Al-Baihaqi on the authority of Al-?Ala’ ibn Al-Harith, one of the successors (At-Tabi?un), which means that this hadith is mursal (reported by a successor immediately on the authenticity of Mother of the Believers or the Prophet himself without having a Companion in between in the chain of reporters). Al-Baihaqi said this is a good mursal hadith.
Ibn Majah also reported with a weak chain of reporters on the authority of ?Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “When the 15th night of Sha?ban comes, observe night vigil Prayer during it and fast the following day, for Almighty Allah descends after sunset on that night to the lowest Heaven and says, ‘Is there anyone who seeks My forgiveness and I forgive him (or her)? Is there anyone who is in need to ask Me and I provide for his (or her) needs. Is there anyone who is in pain and seeks My help and I help him (or her)? Is there…? Is there…?’ until the time of dawn.”

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Islamic3’s Profile PhotoDeen Imaan
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي ; وَيَسِّرْ لِي أَمْرِي ; وَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِنْ لِسَانِي ; يَفْقَهُوا قَوْلِي
‘Shaban’ is the eighth month of Hijri calendar. As per Hijri calendar, this month comes just before the month of Ramadan. So in some ways the month of Shaban is considered by many as a month in which people do preparations for the coming month of fasting (i.e. Ramadan). There is a lot to talk about significance of the month of Shaban and some Islamic rulings associated with it. However, the discussion here shall focus on one particular day of this month i.e. the fifteenth.
There are many popular beliefs associated with 15 Shaban. The night of 15 Shaban is often called by many as “Shab-e-Baraat” (in Urdu/Persian language) i.e. “the night of celebration/gathering”. Some others call it with slightly different (though with same rhyme) name which is “Shab-e-Bara’ah” i.e. “the night of freedom/salvation/forgiveness”.

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Islamic3’s Profile PhotoDeen Imaan
Shaban ki Fazilat in Urdu
Rasul akram (S.A) ka irshad hai keh mah shaban ul muazzam buhat hi bargazida mahina hai aur is mah Mubarak ki ibadat ka be had sawab Allah Tala ata frmata hai
Nafil Namaz
Mah shaban ki pehli shab baad namaz isha 12 rikat namaz 6 salam se parhe, har rikat mein baad surah fatiha key surah ikhlas 15 ,15 martabah parhni hai baad salam key 70 martaba darood pak parh kar apne gunahon se toba kare. In sha allah, allah tala is namaz ki barkat se allah tala is key gunah muaf farma kar dakhil behast kare ga.
Mah shaban key pehle jumah ki shab baad namaz isha 8 rikat namaz aik salam se parhe aur har rikat mein baad surah fatiha key surah ikhlas 11, 11 dafa parhe aur is ka sawab khatoon e jannat Hazrat Fatimah (R.A) ko bakhshe . Khtoon Jannat faramti hain keh mein har giz behasht mein qadam na rakhon gi jab tak keh is namaz parhne wale ko apne hamrah dakhil behisht na kar lon.
Mah shaban pehle jummah ki shab namaz isha key baad 4 rikat namaz 1 salalm se parhe aur har rikat mein surah fatiha key baad surah ikhalas 3,3 bar parhni hai. insha allah tala yeh namaz taraqqi key liye buhat afzal rahe gi.
Shaban ul muazzam ki 14 tareekh ko baad namaz asar aaftab gharoob hone key waqt ba wazu 40 martaba yeh kalmat parhe
lahol wala quwwata illa billah
Allah pak is dua key parhne wale key 40 saal key gunah muaf farmaye ga.
14 Shaban ul Muazzam
Shaban ki 14 tareekh baad namaz maghrib do rikat namaz parhe har rikat mein baad surah fatiha key surah hashar ki aaikhri teen aayat aik martaba aur surah ikhalas 3,3 dafa parhe .
Insha allah tala yeh namaz waste maghfarat gunah buhat afzal hai.
14 shaban qbal namaz isha 8 rikat namaz 4 salam se parhni hai, har rikat mein surah Fatiha key baad surah ikhlas 5,5 martaba parhe yeh namaz bhi bakhshish gunah mein buhat fazilat wali hai. Insha Allah

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Liked by: shahzaib


Islamic3’s Profile PhotoDeen Imaan
Astagfaar Ki Fazilat
Jo Shaks Astaghfar Ko Apne Uper Laazim Karle Toh Allah Iske Liye Har Tangi Se Nikal Ne Ka Rasta Nikal Deta Hai, Aur Har Gham-O-Pareshani SeIse Nijaat Deta Hai, Aur Usse Aisi Jagah Se Rizq Deta Hai, Jis Ka Usse Guman Bhi Nahi Hota.
-: (Abu Dawood, Ibn-E-Majah)
∗ Astaghfar Ki Dua
“Astaghfirullahu Rabbi MinKulli Zanbbiuw Watoobu Ilaih”
“Ya Allah ! Magfirat Chahta Hu Har Kism Ke Gunah Se Aur Mai Teri Bargah Me Tauba Karta Hu
Liked by: shahzaib Shahbaz

trust is like a paer once its crumpled it cant be perfect again good morning stay bless :)

ahmer0347’s Profile PhotoAhmer
Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-‘as (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah [S.A.W.W]((P.B.U.H) said, "Four are the qualities which, when found in a person, make him a sheer hypocrite, and one who possesses one of them, possesses one characteristic of hypocrisy until he abandons it. These are:
When he is entrusted with something,
He betrays trust; when he speaks,
He lies; when he promises,
He acts treacherously; and when he argues,
He behaves in a very imprudent, insulting manner.''

what is laylatur raghaib??

The first Thursday night of the month of Rajab, is called لَيْلَةُ الرَّغَائِبْ.
One of the thawab of this amal is that many sins are forgiven, and also anyone who performs it, on the first night in his grave Allah will send down this Amal as a person with a beautiful and very bright face, who will give that person the good tidings that Allah has given you security (Panah - Amaan) from all hardship and sorrows of the grave. The dead person will be amazed and he will ask this person who are you? I have never seen a beautiful face like yours, nor did I ever hear someone speak so softly and sweetly. The person will answer “I am the thawab of the amal that you had performed on such year at such place and on such and such night” I have come to give you company in your loneliness and to remove your fear; and on the day of judgement when you will be awakened I will be your shade.
The amal is as following:
Start observing fast on the first Thursday of the month of Rajab and between the prayers of Maghrib and Isha pray 12 rakat divided in to two rakat (6 Namaz). In each rakat recite Once Al-Hamdاَلْحَمْدُ three times Inna anzalna اِناَّاَنْزَلْناَ and 12 times Qul Huwa Allah
قُلْ هُوَ اللهُ.
After completing the Namaz recite
70 times:
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ النَّبِيِّ اللأُمِّيِّ وَ عَلَى آلِهِ
Go to Sajdah and recite 70 times in Sajdah:
سُبُّوْحٌ قُدُّوسٌ رَبُّ الْمَلاَءِكَةِ وَ الرُّوحِ
Sit erect from Sajdah and recite 70 times:
رَبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَتَجَاوَزْ عَمَّا تَعْلَمْ إِنَّكَ اَنْتَ الْعَلِيُّ الأَعْظَمُ
Go to Sajdah again and recite 70 times in Sajdah:
سُبُّوْحٌ قُدُّوسٌ رَبُّ الْمَلاَءِكَةِ وَ الرُّوحِ
Then ask your hajaat, Inshallah will be fulfilled.

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Islamic3’s Profile PhotoDeen Imaan
It is very important for every Muslim to make sure that his choice of friends and the company he keeps is correct. It has been proven through experience that habits and behaviour of friends and associates slowly manifest in an individual. Without realizing, a person begins to adopt the style and behaviour of his friends. We are all witness to this fact. Sadly, I can recall many incidents where those who were pious, religious and of good character lost all their good qualities because they kept company and associated with an inappropriate circle of friends. I have also seen others who were drowning in sin and evil, who underwent a complete revolution in their lives after adopting the company of a pious person of huge moral standards.
My dear friends, today we feel proud of having an elder friend who follows the path of evil. We forget that this role model of ours who is teaching us to sell drugs, to take drugs, to bully and oppress people, disobey parents and to fall prey to evil desires, is in fact taking us to hell!
Our true and only friend should be Allah but in order to attain such high stage, one needs to make good, pious people his friends.
A great point I would like to raise is the amount we hurt the hearts of our parents? How much pain do they suffer because of us?
In this day and age, friends have become more precious and valuable than our parents. For our friends, we are ready to sacrifice everything and everybody. However, one needs only to experience a tragedy to recognize a true friend. Go and sit in prison for a while and see how many friends come and visit. It is here that one appreciates the true love of parents. After being sentenced to jail, the convict holds tight to his parents and cries, and says that now I realize you are only my true friends and you will see many changes in my life after I come out. This is said after going to jail because it is only our families that care enough to visit. If friends come, then how many times do they return? They come once, twice, at the most three times, then you then find yourself sitting in jail alone, crying and you will come to understand that none is interested in coming to see you except your parents, brothers and sisters. The poor father who you used to swear at and give abuse to. That same father who you did not even want to see or talk with, visits you every week. He takes up the cost of the lawyer, worries about the cause, and your well being. Similarly the mother suffers sleepless nights. They do everything for you despite your torturing them in the past.
My brothers, please, for Allah's sake, pay attention to these facts and realities I am trying to put forward to you. Beware! The prison sentence may be over in a few months, years, but the prison sentence of the hereafter may be eternal.

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Language: English