
Jewel Mane Dragons

Ask @JMDAdopts

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The new rules make it sound like if you gift/readopt a jmd, you still have 8 slots and just can't get anymore Jmds until a month passes, correct? I personally wasn't fond of the "no longer want, you're down a slot no matter what" rule the first version(s) had.

Yup! I wasn't keen on the slot penalties either, and I knew it wasn't exactly favored by the community, so all prior slot penalties are nullified and the new system is in place. However, I don't want people to try to get around the no trading rule, which is why there is a one month slot freeze if you gift or readopt a JMD.

When will the adopts be open?

We can open once I'm done with the other threads! I'm working on writing up info for the nursery, and then I need to sort out what to do for overdue growths. uvu
Liked by: aeiou.

Is the amount possible of offspring per litter going to change? Can we choose how many kids are going to be born?

I might reduce the max litter size to 2, honestly. ;v; The lines we will be using for the nursery are single sets, so doing one or two per breeding would probably be best.
Even if I do not reduce the max litter size, numbers of babies will be randomized UNLESS one of the users who own the parent JMDs have an item that guarantees twins or triplets, dependent on what I go with.
Liked by: aeiou.

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Is payment still going to be required for breedings?

Not sure! I'll look into how much they would cost in the past and decide if that should be kept or not.
Liked by: aeiou.

Are divorces allowed? Or only in dire situations (ie: can't comply with other owner, the mate's owner is inactive, ect?)

Yes, but you need to get permission from me (ElementStar) for mates to officially divorce.
Liked by: aeiou.

Is there a limit to how many batches a couple can have?

Not yet, I'll have to go over previous nursery threads and decide on an appropriate number!
It'll probably be around 3/4.
Liked by: aeiou.

Poly ships could work with a trait system similar to parapup's breeding system?

I'm not very familiar with the Parapup breeding system, unfortunately! I'll look into making a system for possible poly breedings once I make the nursery, but there are other things to consider. Breeding slots, comfort for nursery artists, mateship rules... etc.
Liked by: aeiou.

Yay! are you gonna open staff positions?

Eventually, yes! I won't open any staff positions until I'm done making all the threads and get things like growths dealt with, but I do plan on looking for some staff members in the near future.
Liked by: aeiou.

Will JMDs be allowed to be up for readoption? Or will there be a Pound again? (I hope not, though)

Readoptions can be discussed with myself or the staff, but the pound is still up in the air. I doubt it will be needed now that readoptions are going to be handled by staff and the user(s) (to keep them official and abiding by the rules), but we'll have to wait and see.
Liked by: aeiou.

Can nursery and regular slots be interchangeable? I personally found it very confusing if you put a regular slot JMD in the Pound, you gained a NURSERY slot and then if you gave up a JMD from a nursery slot you gained NOTHING. It's unfair? Please look into changing this and making it fair!

I've been thinking about doing this, actually!
I'll probably make it so you can own 8 JMDs in total, rather than having a confusing system for types of slots.
And I might remove the penalty for adopting out JMDs, but add a freeze time before you can gain any new JMDs, to prevent people from trying to "trade out" their JMDs for new ones they like.
Liked by: aeiou.

Will same sex and/or polyamorous breeding be allowed?

For same sex, yes! And to tie into this, any non-hetero couple will be able to breed c: that means non-cis JMDs are allowed to breed as well.
I'm going to think about polyamorous, but it could get a bit finicky with traits... hmmmm....
Liked by: aeiou.

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