
Jessica Nicole Brown

Latest answers from Jessica Nicole Brown

How often do u work out?

Not a lot, but I've been getting out every day, and my plans are to get in great shape this summer/fall, and to stay consistent on it.

Kenzie Adams

She is one of the prettiest girls in our grade (gorgeous!). I would like to get to know her better next year, and she seems really nice and cool :).

Montana Blain?

She's one of my closest friends! She is outright hilarious, and we have shared so many great memories. I love her to death, and I'll always be there for her

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

Abraham Lincoln, JFK, MLK, Miranda, and my Dad.

What is the one thing you want most in your life right now?

I cant wait for graduation and the spring dance

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