
Jessica Nicole Brown

Ask @JessicaNicoleBrown

How often do u work out?

Not a lot, but I've been getting out every day, and my plans are to get in great shape this summer/fall, and to stay consistent on it.

Kenzie Adams

She is one of the prettiest girls in our grade (gorgeous!). I would like to get to know her better next year, and she seems really nice and cool :).

Montana Blain?

She's one of my closest friends! She is outright hilarious, and we have shared so many great memories. I love her to death, and I'll always be there for her

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Do you remember your first friend?

Yep, in Pre-K Mckayla :), loved her to death, but she moved later on, we had some awesome memories!

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

Abraham Lincoln, JFK, MLK, Miranda, and my Dad.

What is the one thing you want most in your life right now?

I cant wait for graduation and the spring dance

How would you like to be remembered?

Someone that anyone could go to for advice, trustworthy, and someone who was funny, but could change that in a flash to being smart.

Are you a better talker or listener?

Listener! I'm always there for people, strangers, or my best friends.

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

Lonely Genius, I would hate to be a idiot, then no one would be your friend. I dont like dumb people, at least if I was a genius, I could help others and not be stupid and have a bad reputation


Language: English