
Jessica Nicole Brown

Ask @JessicaNicoleBrown


What quality do you value most in your friends?

Their Personality, and if they are trustworthy

What's more valuable, brains or beauty?

Brains! I will always accept the less attractive 4-6 guy, that has amazing knowledge and can teach me things, than the hottest guy imaginable, that is dumber than a bag of rocks! I love guys who are smart that is very attractive!

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How to make a woman happy?

Well I'm not the average girl so it might be different for some women. But you can make me happy with these, things.
1) Have a awesome personality, my god I can't resist it, i'm drawn to it like a magnetic.
2) Good Hygiene/I love good smelling Cologne
3) Money doesn't buy me happiness!
4) If you can make me laugh, you are amazing already:)
5) Life lover I want him to love life and enjoy life
6) Your car doesnt mean shit to me, you don't need a Lamborghini to impress me! Any car will do
7) He takes risks, isn't afraid what others thing of him
8) Doesnt need to have a six pack and all that, even muscles, you dont need that to make me happy, its who u are that i love, not your outer image!
9) If he has determination and knows what he wants in life that is so attractive, that makes me fall so hard for a guy lol.
10) Gives compliments, I love a guy who tells me im beautiful even if i dont believe him, same goes for me, I love giving guys compliments, i know they take a lot of time for there getting ready as well!
11) Those are the things that make me happy, I dont ask for a lot, im not the bitch/gold digger type, I just want a awesome guy to settle down with get married, and maybe have kids one day.

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How fast do you fall in love?

Faster than the guy does, but then I get the "Let's be just friends talk", ugh most heart wrenching thing ever, cant stand it, just why bother being with someone if your going to say that to there face anyway?!

What would you do with your “15 minutes” of fame?

Probably give a speech were i came from how i got to the top, and inspire people

What is the secret to a happy life?

Be who you are, dont stress over things you cant control. Love your friends and family, and never forget where you came from. Dont live yesterday, for today is a new start

When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

Girlllllllll You had a long crazy night!

Which websites do you visit most frequently?

Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Ask F.M. Yahoo, Google Mail, Drive

What is your favorite sporting activity?

Idk, I cant decide between playing football, basketball, or baseball, i love playing them all.

What was the last 'nice' thing you did for yourself?

About a week ago, I worked out for 3 hours, then I ate a bunch of my easter candy, and watched TV, and played video games.

What is the most stressful job?

Not knowing there's a test, and studying in class at the last minute. Especially when it really counts.

What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

Wash my face/Take a shower, plan my outfit, do my hairstyle, listen to music, get out the door

What sport do you do?

I don't do school sports because well people are better than me hehe XD, but I love to play sports with friends and family casually. I love to throw football with dad, basketball, hockey, I love it....I could do it all summer long


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