

Ask @JessieMacdonald421

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What is the one thing you could not live without?

One thing? I dunno I couldn't live slot of things.
example: my phone, momma, food, tv, my dogs, my friends, my bro & sisters, summer.. (etc) so I dunno what's one thing

What is the last thing you watched on TV?

1 girl 5 gays!! omg one guy just said he visited pei! This place popular

You're planning a nice dinner party but could only invite 3 people. Who would you invite?

Tara, mommy & I dunno


You're a obsessed bitch , that needs to fuck off & leave Tara alone.
Tara never thinks about herself, she always puts her friends & family before anyone else & even people she dislikes, she worries about, she tries to get along with everyone but you fucking dipshits mess that up. You guys need to fuck off. Tara's the most supportive, conserned person that I have ever met. So fuck off or hate to our faces. you're all just fucking pussys! bye!

Let's get #teamdara trending (Derek and tara)

Snooki has a girlfriend? &Tara & Derek are bestfriends? How bout no!


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