

Ask @JessieMacdonald421

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piercings and tattoos?

piercings; I have my ears done I'm gettimg my nose and cateledge redone, getting my hips, tongue, and belly botton
tattoos; memorial one on my leg for the boys...... getting some on my sholders, by my left collar bone, up my chest/ribs, tramstamp and by my hips, maybe a couple on my legs and arms haha
Liked by: Tyson MacDonald

were you straight before you dated Kayla?

lol its not like she turned me bisexual hahaha I liked girls before I dated her but only like 4 people knew that I was bi, i kinda just kept it a secret until her. But yes I knew I liked girls before I met Kayla

Imitate Stella?

"I fucking love you"
"your brothers adorable"
"hahahaha I love you"
"fuck shes a slut"
" fuck that"
"omg we're adorable"
" I hate her"
"youre beautiful"
"youre mine"
"bang me mang"
"we just womt tell dev or Tyson"
"fuck it"
"I'm gunna drop out"
"done with that bitch"
haha I love her
Liked by: Kayla ✨ Stella

thoughts on Brandon arsenault?

Brandon Arsenault* hes great, hes really nice and funny, he has an amazing personality, and hes always there for me, I'd trust him with my life!

imatate Tyson?

uh okay, this is gunna suck but yeah
you're cute"
"I'm gunna go outside"
"I'm drinking"
"I miss you"
" oh yeah"
" babe"
"I'm bored"
"youre mean"
" I hate this weather"
"I think my dogs drunk"
"I like your butt"
"sorry babe"
"love you baby"
thats all I gott

Haha Jasmine won the fight fair and square

she honestly didnt in my opinion
she was losing so she grabbed Stella's hair pulled her down got up, stella was half up and Jasmine booted her in the face.. right fair she has to win by pulling hair? hahaahah and people said repeatedly no pulling hair and at the end of the video jasmines mom was like "Jasmine what the fuck" so if her mom didnt agree probably wasnt fair lol just saying


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