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anyone got any tips how to deal with a judgmental sibling? i got a older sister and she literally judges me for everything; things i like, the clothes i wear, the things i do... etc

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maybe she wants you to validate her opinion in order to boost her ego, therefore if you pay her no mind then it’ll have the opposite effect. or you could do what she does and critique her all the time. maybe try telling her it’s 2021 and that being a negative nancy isn’t cute. regardless, don’t listen to what she says. everyone’s interests differ so do what you want, what makes you happy
Ok you have a sibling that Love you soo much , just ask nicely for some space so you can explore your own self in what you want and not want 👍
LOL. -.- they’re annoying I can’t even give advice on that because I couldn’t deal with it, they’ll try anything just to make you miserable? I got out of the house before I could take her out.

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