

It’s not that easy…and what about if they’re busy but try to text you when they can during the day?

If they're busy but still try to find ways to text you that's a pretty good sign that at the very least they enjoy talking to you. It's very difficult to tell someone's feelings based on text alone

Latest answers from Jimmy

You’re welcome and thanks! Oh sorry to hear that

Yeah it sucks but I was planning on leaving at some point anyway
I hope you've had a good week so far!

Hope you’re doing ok

TestingMyPatience01’s Profile PhotoAshley
Thanks, hope you've been doing well too! I'm about to leave my job because they lied to us about something for months and that was the last straw for me unfortunately

Not too much either lol. Just been relaxing a little here and there when I can

TestingMyPatience01’s Profile PhotoAshley
I feel that lol, hopefully we're both able to get some more relaxation in soon. This year's been chaotic so far!

Lol. Other than work, have you been up to much?

TestingMyPatience01’s Profile PhotoAshley
lol not much recently, just been getting a bit of gaming in here and there. How about you?

Oh that sounds great lol. Got to love that. It hasn’t been too stressful so far!

TestingMyPatience01’s Profile PhotoAshley
Oh yeah absolutely love it lol
I'm glad to hear it hasnt been too stressful for you!

That’s good! A little late but Happy New Year!! Thanks, hope you are too

TestingMyPatience01’s Profile PhotoAshley
Happy New Year! My year so far has been me catching up on a whole bunch of work left for me during my week off lol, hopefully your year's been less stressful so far

I want to make a new snap account to start over but i want to keep my current one (can't quite let it go due to the memories and stuff). Is it weird if I do that?

Not really

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