

Ask @JimmyLee242

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If aliens do really exist, which language will be okay for them to speak of?

I mean they'll likely be speaking a language that no one on Earth has ever heard

What was the first novel on which you spent your money on??

Well I don't really do much novel reading anymore so I've only ever bought 2 novels, and that was because of an English assignment in grade 12. Those 2 novels were Slaughterhouse 5 and Catch-22, which I bought at the same time so either of those

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Do you think money can buy happiness? ?

It can buy things to distract you from your problems but no it can't buy happiness itself, not imo

Ever had a crush on someone?

I feel like most people, if not everyone, has had at least 1 childhood/high school crush at some point and I'm no exception to that, so in my entire life yeah more than once.
But if you mean in adulthood, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't catch feelings for anyone after high school cause every time I did in high school I'd get bullied for it. Despite that I did end up developing feelings for someone I met in one of my classes and still have lingering feelings

Plus belle rencontre de cette année?!?

Uh I'm honestly not sure, since the year's barely 2 weeks old. Also not sure if you mean just beauty in general or like someone I thought was beautiful. If it was the second one, I haven't really met anyone new this year and I'm not sure I have the heart to right now

What's one thing that makes you happy? Name only one!

One of the things that makes me happy, especially in the cold winter months, is what I can sleep in knowing that I have no where to go and nothing to do that day. Being wrapped in a warm blanket is the best part about that, it's like being hugged while you sleep

What is your favorite word?

Well the word I use most often is either "bruh", "same", or "noice" so one of those. I'm honestly not exactly sure where I got the last one from tbh

Crois-tu aux deuxième chances ?

I think, unless they did something truly unforgivable, I definitely believe in second chances.

If you could be the leader of your country, what would you change?

Assuming that there's no negative consequences, I guess lower tax rates

Post some thing worth reading ?

I'm not really into reading nowadays but from my childhood I liked the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series of books

Do you think empathy can be taught? Why/why not?

I think to some extent yeah. It's something we're all taught as kids, and some people pick up that lesson immediately. For others, it takes a lifechanging event for it to happen so clearly most people are capable of learning empathy

Places you've travelled?

Well growing up my parents didn't really have the money to travel so the only places I've been outside my city are from school trips, those trips being to Montreal in grade 8 and New York City in grade 12

How Good are you in taking up challenges ?

Honestly depends on what the challenge is and how comfortable I am in doing it

If your crush has fallen for someone uglier than you does that mean you have a less chance or more chance ?

Well, you know what they say, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Looks are subjective, so what may be ugly to one person may be attractive to another. And going past looks, maybe there's other factors at play that makes that person fall for the other person instead of you. So in the end you really can't say whether or not you have more or less of a chance with a crush because you think they like someone "uglier" than you, because maybe to them their crush is the most attractive person in the world

What is your favorite sporting activity?

To play? I don't really play any sports anymore but I used to play basketball casually.
To watch? Hockey


Language: English