
Jing An

Ask @Jingan

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hello. im currently sec3 now and im taking my Os next yr. but i feel kinda unmotivated to study and i keep procrastinating. but i want to get into a jc. any advice or tips?? thank youu.

Sflr cos I don't check askfm often. Hmm u can try to surround yourself with motivational quotes to keep your motivation going. Try to have a goal in mind and write it down. Procrastination is normal but not too much and discipline is important. Get tuition or help from teachers or friends if u need. Start studying or revising early and since u have the holidays do go study as much as u can in advance to prep for next year. Practise as much as u can, even timed practices. Just put in consistent effort and u will do fine. All the best!

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Sigh but SS they always give diff kinds of question and i tried following the fomat & give the relevant ans and still get it wrong. what time do u usuallt sleep in sec life? hahaha

Hmm I think the only way I can advise u is to read guidebooks and notes and practise and consult your teachers. I think I try to sleep my 11pm?

HELLO. any advise/tips for sec3 student??? i kind of struggling with Amath now (log, surds!!) and my lessons often ends at 4.30 SO TIRING. i keep falling asleep in class & keep failing SS. MOTIVATION PLS? SENPAI.

Erm I think for like math you just gotta practise and redo questions u got wrong and try to do timed practice too. Any doubts u have pls clarify with ur teachers or peers. For SS it's more of inference so just read up on model essays and answers to model your thinking and answering techniques. Essays are the easiest to score cos it's mainly memory. For falling asleep it's a matter of gettin enough rest the night before and if u r still tired in class u can try drinking coffee or tea :)

How did you study for chemistry? Esp for organic chem, its so difficult to memorise and apply the different r&c

Sflr! Make summary notes for each topic and rly try to link all of them tgt cos they are legit all linked!! Then study the linked reactions from mind maps too. Lastly keep practising to know what u commonly miss out on or forget cos if u memorise everything in organic chemistry, everything is easy

Hello, im currently in the midst of preparing for my upcoming prelims, and i just feel really discouraged because it feels as though no matter how much effort i put into my studies, my results are still horrible (DESUs) do you have any advice? Would really appreciate it!

Hello. Hmm it's alright don't be discouraged because trust me, at the end of the day what matters most is your A level grades. There are many examples of my batch mates who consistently did well for internal exams and did not do as well or even far worse than expected, or those who don't usually do above average but still had excellent A level grades. What's most important actually is your actual performance on the day of exams itself! And the rest would be luck on whether what u studied most came out. For now just learn from all your past mistakes and adopt a studying method that works best for you. It can be making notes (which is quite late now) or just practising lots of exam papers under TIMED condition and consult your teachers. Even if you did well for prelims it doesn't mean too that u will do well for a level for that subject which pretty much happened to me too for Econs. Hope I helped :)

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Why nus biz over ntu ddp?

I don't think I'm smart enough to take 2 degrees with no overlapping modules cos i was not offered the accountancy and biz ddp

Oh so the concurrent degree is not straightaway accept? They will send you another email in 2 weeks time?

Erm sorry man I'm not sure all I know is my friend got interview for it 2 weeks later

For your nus business? Did you apply for the msc concurrent degree? I applied but i don't know if i got it?

I just applied for a single degree! Concurrent degree I think they will ask u go interview in 2 weeks time or sth right?

r u in NS? motivate me to study pls omgg im so lazyyy :(

Yea! You're probably unmotivated and procrastinating cos you think u have a lot of time to study but trust me, no u don't. U gotta start early and start strong so u won't have to struggle as hard towards the end. Perhaps begin first from ur mindset? Like get urself motivational posters and wallpapers and surround urself with motivated ppl. Set goals for urself too. Good luck

So which one you accepting? Wow nice nus business!! Mind telling your rp?

I think NUS business? Yup u can ask me personally!

Have you received any offers from any uni yet? Mind saying?

Yup NUS and SMU business, and NTU double degree in business and computer engineering


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