
Elizabeth Ang

Ask @elizangg

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hw comfortable r u wif physical contact wif guys ure close to? lik to wht extnt of contact wld u b ok wif?

think it all boils down to the intentions behind the actions??? like hugs are fine???

Heyy sorry to disturb again but do you know if Jess allows random strangers to follow his social media account?

I'm not very sure sorry! :-(

What's fornication?

have sexual intercourse with someone one is not married to - definition given by Google :-)

Ever hrd abt all the fornication and weird stuff that goes on behind closed doors in hall, esp in uni? Thoughts on them?

yeah I've heard of such stuff! I'm not against it hahah if you're ready to take on the consequences then by all means do it (if you want to)?

That's nice of you :) you not against lgbt ppl uh?

no?? everyone is as human as I am ahaha and that includes lgbt people!

Hahah you are very nice too, Yeah he looks nice ☺️ But he seems like he doesn't like talking much.

thanks haha that's nice of you :-) um he's not especially talkative i guess?

What does it mean when you say deceiving? ? Does he have askfm btw, I feel bad for disturbing you. Is he as quiet as he seems

as in he looks very cool and i guess sometimes that may give off the impression that he's very unapproachable and stuff but he's actually a very very nice person!!! :-) um I dont think so!! and no ahAHAHAHA

That's really nice of you ? Thanks. Can you describe Jess?

he's not attached :-) hE'S a very good friend and his looks can be quite deceiving but I mean this in the nicest way possible!!


Language: English