
Elizabeth Ang

Ask @elizangg

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you sing?

I think 4??? as long as I don't hear the recorded version bc if I do it'll be just eeeeeeeeek no

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What is the most pointless invention?

invention of time system???? inventing a system to countdown to your death lol doesn't sound very nice

Any couple you find rly cute?

Daniel and nanxi #DANXI
Qianyi and Michael
Jiongyang and Ziwei #JIONGWEI

Who's the class clown? Like the one who always makes people laugh in your class?

um personally chaihoon makes me laugh a lot hahaha jiaying too but the class I'm not rly sure I haven't actually witness the entire class bursting into crazy laughter???


SHES A VERY FRIENDLY PERSON and I get a nice vibe from her hehe she's very encouraging and caring and positive!!! I feel she'll make a good friend but it's a pity idk her that well )-:

I'm damn funny right omg. I think I'm the genius. FrisBEE.

YEZ U ARE BUT WAIT you sound like Daryl are you Daryl or Shiyuan?!?!!

No LIZZYBETH that was not me. HAHAHAHA. I ALWAYS USE LIZZYBETHHHHHH. And OMG I wanna know that guy that likes jiaying


How was your day?

well my morning didn't really start out right because I became all nostalgic on the mrt and was late and ended up standing outside the hall :-( but things got better and i hit my personal target during beep test so yaysies haha and it was really nice to nua and spend time with vupa gladys ven Kimberly and Minnie @ the poolside cafe today during our breaks :-D & then I managed to stay awake for one whole bio lecture another yaysie hahaha and I spent the evening with mag which made my day a whole lot better again :-) thank you for asking i really appreciate it anon hehe I hope you had a good day and if you didn't, TOMORROW WILL BE BETTER!! much love xo

I saw you doing beep test but no jy is she ok

yup she is haha she went for track competition! (-: AND ARE YOU FROM SC1 WHO R U OMG

You might be feeling unhappy but I'm here feeling extremely sad, so you should cheer up because others are feeling more sad than you :'<

I'm not feeling unhappy but yes I'll cheer up because it doesn't hurt to be happier does it (-: and I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling extremely sad are you Teng I think you are AYE bro cheer up!!!

ur close friend is wanting and chloe only? Muchsad.

there's no need for me to spell out who all my close friends are because they know it for themselves. :) it's quality over quantity ya I have people who will stick with me through thick and thin and if that's much sad then oh yes SO SAD INDEED. :-)
Liked by: Jango Chan

Why you tweet sorry.

because I feel apologetic towards someone & I SWEAR DISTANCE SUCKS IT SUCKS SO BAD WHEN U CANT BE THERE FOR SOMEONE yup

How do your close friends make your day?

if you mean wanting and Chloe and the bimbs I guess they make my day by dropping me texts/snapchats and they make me feel a lot less lonely and that I actually have people who care for me :) as for my fatties they make my day by making me laugh at the most nonsensical things ever sometimes hahaha and I feel comfortable around them (which is quite rare for me to feel these days) and they really lessen the feeling of loneliness a lot so ya haha that's how my close friends make my day! (-:

Cheer up Elizabeth! Don't always let the sad thoughts cloud your mind, look more at the brighter things in life :)

Jing An
aw thank you jing an I will try!!! (-:


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