
Elizabeth Ang

Ask @elizangg

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What's the latest thing that made you smile?

some image I received on snapchat made me lmao :'D

how awesome is chloeeeee ^^

she's awesome if she's not compared to me MUAHAHAH jk she's rly awesome and she makes me laugh a lot. I like people who makes me laugh a lot. <3

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Handsome guys in yr batch?

Dayum this is even harder.. Uhhhhhh LohKahleong, Stephen and Edison? LOL IDK LA

Pretty girls in yr batch?

A lot leh this is hard. Um. Qiling, Lucinda, Jiani, Zoen, Recia, Valerie? Can't think of anymore rn but I'm sure there's more!

Did you ever try other religions ? Or did you just believe in Christianity, because of some people , or purely because you can really connect with god

my family's Tao does that count? I can't emphasize enough: IM NOT DOING THIS FOR ANYONE It's this feeling I can't really describe you know like BAM! but in a really slow way like gahhh idk how to put it hahaha do you get what I mean?

describe qianning:)

short, whiteeeee, loud sometimes, emotional, girl with her own set of morals, someone I would call friend. :)

Have you ever thought, why is it so easy to go to heaven? All you have to do is to confess, trust, repent and believe in god and you are allowed to go to heaven. Did a little part of you decided to believe in JESUS just because it is the easiest way to go to heaven as compared to other religions?

Woah woah woah! 1) I never thought it was easy to go to heaven. 2) No I didn't decide to "believe" in it because I thought it was the "easiest" way. I mean, how can you make yourself believe something that you can't connect with?


unique, funny, humorous, lame, weird, cute, crazy, what in the world I can't think of anymore adjectives

What do you say during awkward silences?

I don't say anything...... isn't that the point of awkward silences?


someone who's always there, makes me feel worry free, loud, crazy, adorkable, muh lovely lovely friend and Patrick darling <3

Describe weijian >:D

NOT AS INNOCENT AS HE SEEMS! but strong wrist uh hahaha seems pretty hardworking and quiet tho! :-)


Language: English