
Elizabeth Ang

Ask @elizangg

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What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

I get jealous + obsessive + possessive really really really really easily.

Harlo describe each person in your clique you all seem so nice ~~~~

lingxuan: the logical and cool one, the person I can depend on to analyze things/situations/people for me. she's usually the one who bothers to ask "hey are you okay?" so I'm really appreciative of that. hehe thank you yap lingling!! :D oh and she's also full of general knowledge and it makes me go \o/
Simin: I think she's a neat and clever person haha. :) ((I personally feel)) she can be quite mysterious sometimes and she is also good at looking at things from different perspectives. she's usually the neutral party whenever we have conflicts?
Qianning: AH LAU LO HAHA she can be quite violent (similar to both Chloe and myself) she's aka the little bull (I think) and she can be pretty talkative so people usually don't run out of topics when conversing with her. ^___^
Chloe: similar to qianning and myself, she CAN BE quite violent but not anymore haha! um she's a huge Demi lover and the one with the loudest laughter (oh gosh haha) and the reddest face. sometimes she has this mysterious aura too ok idek what I'm saying lol.
zhiwei: she's like ah
/scrolls through tumblr, reblogs food/
/creates whatsapp groups/
/oovoos and puts on a mask LATE AT NIGHT/
/looks at me in fear and runs away/
/chomps on sandwich during English lesson/
haha zhiwei's a nice girl and a nice friend!!! (who makes me laugh almost all the time)
all in all I think a few of us are pretty emotional people but WE'RE NICE AND DONT BITE so yeah heh.

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Liked by: lingxuan

You always give me the feeling that you are really sweet and lovely i really want to be friends with you!

haha aw this is really nice of YOU! do say hi or something haha hope I won't prove you wrong if we can get to be friends! :)
Liked by: lingxuan

Do you feel like you are drifting away from people now xx

yeah I am and I'm not going to deny that I'm barely putting in any efforts to keep them around (and partly because I stopped using a phone)

You always overthink and overexaggerate, getting people involved when its actually no big deal and that sucks

maybe you could um further explain what you mean by getting people involved? i know overthinking is my huge problem and i guess i'm sorry for overthinking, overexaggerating and getting people involved when it's actually no big deal. i'll learn to deal with my own shit and thank you for letting me know. :)

then who are the few that mean a lot to u

every single one of my bimbs mean a lot to me hahaha. what I meant in my previous answer "closeness doesn't reflect how much they mean to me" is that even though I may not name my other friends as being the closest to me, every single one of my close buddies/friends still mean the world to me gosh does this sound right I'm not good @ explaining and answering questions I'm sorry :(

closest frens among all ur frens

prolly my bimbs because I spend most time with them??? but closeness doesn't reflect how much they mean to me ya :)

Nope why would you think so haha we aren't close but we know each other and i really wanted to say that a long time ago (:

because I just thought you might be someone close to me trying to make me feel less insecure or something haha. this is really nice of you, thank you!! :'D

100words for me now, haha

Akash Sakthivel
DAYUM I typed a long para already and my phone died I fell asleep for 4 hours and then para is gone :( but anyway
akash is a funny person and is the guy who sat next to me when I was in 5M hahaha I think he's not an awkz person in handling issues (very much unlike me) and I feel that he will be one of the rare guys (whom I know) that I can talk crap to and ask anything about and I think he's pretty smart too? so yupp hope to know him better though :)
Liked by: Akash Sakthivel

Hope you really try because you deserve that much (:

thank you for taking the time to let me know this means a lot. :) do you happen to be someone I'm really close to?

74928373817263 words for me now ;;;;) ha ha

Hon Huiyi
huiyi has chubby fingers which I think are really adorkable and cute and I think her handwriting is still as nice as evaaaa (right?) she's this really talented girl she can sing and she can draw so well and she's smart too hahaha :) I like that I can tell her things and problems I face in school when we meet up during 5m gatherings! and I think she's a lovely friend to have and I know I've never said this but I'm quite sorry towards her because I was an absolute bitch in primary (totally a ah-lian/bitch wannabe) I hope you forgive me honneh!!
Liked by: Hon Huiyi

No I didn't not at all because you are really beautiful inside out and don't let anyone tell you otherwise (:

I'll try and thank you ❤️


Language: English