
Elizabeth Ang

Ask @elizangg

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Chest hair- hot or not? (On guys, duh)

not hot when it's like amazon jungle but i guess it's ok if it's in moderate amount????

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If you have one month left to live, what would you do?

I'll travel the world
let the people who deserve to know that I love them
I'll sponsor a child
I'll become an organ donor
I'll do everything I can't do right now
Liked by: Valerieee ✩

What is something you have lost, that you wish you could get back?

my perfect eyesight :''''''( I was an idiot who sat in front of the TV errrr day so I could spoil my eyesight and get to wear specs IDIOT OR IDIOT
Liked by: Ariel

Hey liz!!! My first impression of you is that you're really tall and pretty (heh) and super friendly! :) I see alot of similarities between you and kang too and y'all look v cute tgt as friends hehe see you around in school!!

hehe aw thank u hiu!!!! (-:::::

For frisbee, when are you guys playing other schools? What schools will you play against and when? Just want to know!

our interjc is gonna be held on 7/8 June if I'm not wrong (-: but I think the fixtures are not out yet sorry!! try asking again when the date draws nearer?? by then I'll let u know again!! (-:

hows your day today :)

everything went relatively well I guess? except I didn't understand nuts for chem lecture & that made me felt like shit as usual la haha GP also sux ballz
faking terms ughasflfkwnamla but then again, vball trng today was relatively better than the past two bc there was more interaction (got to talk to eetheng more) and rly thankful that tantanmoo and yun were there with me hehe and i got to walk to bv mrt station w/ kang jiasheng Ryan and Michael so it was a good way to end the day hehe
thank u for your concern heh
what about you anon?? (-: did u have a good day!

yooohhoooooOoooOooo number 18!!!! :)

almost as str8 as a lamppost so I guess preferred sex is male HAHA and i guess it's rly attractive when guys are actual gentlemen/thoughtful/notice the small details?
e.g. when they help to hold the door/ when they actually notice that sometimes hey there's still people lagging behind when walking in a group lets wait for em/when they genuinely want to offer help/when they bother to ask hey how're you doing etc etc bc they're rly concerned???
ok these are really shitty examples i don't even know what I'm saying but I guess any human being who's genuine, thoughtful and kind will be an attractive human being hahaha
Liked by: Cinyi

Who are the people you are closest to in AC ultimate?

KANGaroowei (<3)
Kaixuan and Hanyi too I guess although we don't always hang out tgt or what haha but I feel this sense of closeness to them so yup
oh and jiasheng and Michael and aasthaaaaaaaa????? idk la pretty much everyone feels like family to me

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

try to say something that'll hopefully cheer them up (but success rate 0%) then perhaps say a joke and laugh at it myself, hoping that it's infectious enough they'll laugh too (success rate 1%) or be really annoying and keep asking are you ok until they rage and say yes I am (but obviously not) and I'll say sorry and just keep my mouth shut and just be there because I can't do much )::::::
or I'll write a small note, send them a good morning text the next morning or a goodnight text and ya
but I think a HUG works best (success rate 2%)
Liked by: lingxuan

What's the biggest lie your parents told you growing up?

"you have heavy bones you're not fat" LOL WORST FRIGGIN LIE EVA PL0X


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