
Elizabeth Ang

Ask @elizangg

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what's your earliest memory?

myself gulping milk down when I was being fed and I finished the entire bottle in 5min while my cousins took damn freaking long LOL

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If there is one thing that you could change about the past, what would that be?

change my eating habits so I wouldn't have grown (horizontally) so much :c

Dont wanting deserve a scale of 10?

the scale doesn't reflect how much she deserves. it reflects how close I am with her right now, given that we're in different classes with studies as our first priority, I don't think it should be a 10. :)

32 36 49

32: nope I don't like anyone rn oh wait I do the guy I'm forced to like is known as Os, he's terribly annoying, irritating and a pain in my ass.
36: bimbs jiani wanting magdalene shihsuan and def not forgetting huiyi and Puiman
49: used to quarrel with my dad a lot over stupid things but I rarely argue with him now so I guess my r/s with my dad is quite good! meanwhile with my mom I haven't seen her in months so it feels pretty distant (but I know she still loves me and I still love her very much) so ALL'S GOOD.

9 , 15

9: I don't have a best friend but I do have a few best friends so I'll give a general description of them ya? they're fun-loving, caring, amazing, marvelous, wonderful and everything lovely hehe :)
15: I can't think of anyone I dislike most.. so no description sorry to disappoint.

Thoughts of R.M ( the one in ur clas)

huh RM Rachel Mah? she's really helpful and patient whenever I ask her about homework. :) I'm really thankful for that hahaha and she's quite a funny person too. but I'm not exceptionally close to her so yupp.

What happened between u and jiani i thought you two were very close?

we fell out somewhere during March to April over some misunderstandings here and there but we cleared it up and all's good now! :)


Language: English