
Elizabeth Ang

Ask @elizangg

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How do you know that you're in love?

when you no longer dislike mushy words because the person saying it to you makes everything sound so different.
when you click on "10 signs he's the right guy for you" articles and then send the link to him because you feel as though he fits the criteria just right.
when you remember that he hates eating chicken meat with bones when you can barely remember what you ate for breakfast.
when you are comfortable enough to tell him everything and I mean literally everything.
when he has the ability to make everything better for you just like how he's able to turn your thoughts upside down in a split second.
when you look at that person and just feel like he/she is the most beautiful person ever. even though he may have his obvious imperfections or anything of that sort but it doesn't bother you at all. maybe it does bother you sometimes but you'll always make it a point to talk it out/let your thoughts be known somehow because he/she is so precious you can't bear to lose them over a trivial matter. and I guess a huge part of knowing you're in love isn't about the butterflies in your stomach but knowing that you've got the right person; you've got each other's back and you wouldn't exchange this person for anyone else. :)

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How you and kerwei start? Talk about ur love story like how he confess

we got to know each other better because ACULTIMATE (another reason for yall amazing sporty people to join ACUltimate you get to find true love HAHAHA ok jk) we sorta knew each other back in NH but more of the oh ok I know you exist and you know I exist kinda thing hahaha
I THOUGHT HE WAS AN ASSHOLE but turns out he wasn't but ok yeah back to topic
we started out as really normal friends
and I think the first time we started going out (as a group) was during NJ carnival! it was me Kerwei wanting Lucas & jozua????
the following saturday ACUltimate had scrimmage with SRJC, then um we went out again because it was a very impromptu buffet idea LOL
then the next Saturday, there was Ultimate Hwa Chong Cup!! after that HE HAD ANOTHER IMPROMPTU IDEA to just crash a random condo to swim SO WE DID LOL with Zhiwei and Kaixuan &&& it was a really good htht session hahaha
the following Saturday, we met up as a group again and had a sleepover at his house (NO SEX OK)
and he was really really v v sweet - he sent me home in the morning and accompanied me to AChoir concert and yah just super nice!!!!!
THEN THE NEXT SATURDAY, we studied together
^ because of all that we became closer
and he's just really sweet
and yeah one day he just asked the questions
there wasn't any confession like oh "I like you"
"I like you too"

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Do you think you've changed in the last year? In what way?

yeah hope I matured one way or another. I'd like to think that I was like a wild bird trapped in a cage last year, eager to explore anything and everything but this year I'm like a bird in the wild, only tamed and (slightly) more toughened because I finally realised how cruel the wild really is (what an analogy though HAHAHAHA) I used to really like making small talk and getting to know people but now... this pretty much sums it all up - "I no longer have energy for meaningless friendships, forced interactions or unnecessary conversations. If we don't vibrate on the same frequency there's just no reason for us to waste our time. I'd rather have no one and wait for substance than to not feel someone and fake the funk" but also because of this ^ I became more extreme in terms of the way I do things like if I consider you a friend I'd do hella lot of things for you but if you're anything less than a friend, you can gtfo HAHAH so that's quite bad I think. I think that's about it!!

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Liked by: joycelin Chloe Ariel

Have you ever stolen anything?

yeaaaaaa BUT it wasn't on purpose!!!! I was at a restaurant and mistook a pepper shaker's cover as a complimentary gift and took it home & I only realized after smelling the pepper after that damn stupid hahahaha
Liked by: Akash Sakthivel

What do you do to let others know you love them?

i (try my best to) tell them i love them often and that I'm thankful and grateful to have them be it through twitter, messaging, whatsapp or irl and also let them know that they're on my mind more often than they know by texting them/snap chatting them (although I suck at replying)
i give hugs to the people i love duh haha and i try to show them the not so nice side of me that i won't show to just anyone?? because i think showing your vulnerable side to someone actually means that you trust them and I guess when you trust someone you start to love them too??? i don't know if i'm making sense here haha ya
& i guess insta photo/ blog post dedications are also my way of showing my love for people
and i'll set my phone wallpaper to their pictures and show it to them hehe to let them know that i love them enough to put them on my phone screen so i can stare at the picture all day long ahaahah
and ill also put my picture with them as my social media display pictures!!!
and I'll tell them that they have an emoji next to their name in my contacts hehe (because if u have an emoji next to your name you're super impt to me ok hehe)
& i'll try to be there for people as a way of showing that I love them??? (still kinda suck at this I guess but I'm trying ahahaha) if you bully someone I love u better WATCH OUT I will come to you in the middle of the night and sit on your face and pluck out your brows

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Liked by: Ariel Jing An Cinyi

What's your favorite saying?

"you have to fight through the bad days in order to earn the best days" is my current favourite!! i think "the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little bit of extra" is v nice also HAHA
Liked by: Jing An joycelin

Can you truly love more than one person?

ya it's like how you can love to eat prawn mee, hokkien mee, rojak, naan, prata, ban mian, froyo, icecream, nutella, peanut butter, salmon aaaaaand sooooooo many other things
Liked by: Sab genie liao Cinyi

your group of bitches that run around in the canteen so disgusting, keep trying to attract attention especially the short one, look like she came out of minds instead of volunteering in minds as said she did in ig

It's fine if you insult me but if you're going to insult my friends, I'll squash you with my big sized ass. but I think it's lovely how you take so much notice of us, I think we're too fabulous for you to handle please keep those titties calm (if you even have any) xoxo

Hi :) may I know if Jess Teo is attached?

Hi! I'm not sure but I've directed your question to him but he's currently outfield so I'll have to get back to you again when he replies :~)


Language: English