
Julia Greeno

Ask @Julia_greeno

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do you think a hot guy would pretend and tell his friends he had sex with you when he didnt?

Idk but that's fuckin weird

Tbh Jube Jube, you're pre cool but when I'm around u I'm definitely feeling judge? it be cool if we became closer!

Lol I don't judge you lol but okk yea txt me more lol

Virgin: yeah//Player: no//Flirt: no//Age: 15//Drinker: no//Smoker: no//Single/Taken: idk//Best Feature: hair

Lol almost all of them right :)

This guy in my class tries to come between me and other boys. Like once I was texting my guy friend & later he told my guy friend that I like someone else and tried to distract me when I'm texting my friend. Why would he do this?

Can't tell you but he probs likes u

If you had a boyfriend would you be hurt if you found out that he found another girl sexy and wanted to have sex with her?

Ye I would be hurt like wtf he is mine If he was my boyfriend I would only want him not anyone else I would treat him special and want the same in return I guess


Language: English