
Justina Carpenter

Ask @Justinadmc

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What is your fave body feature about yourself?

I've always had straight/white teeth, minus the itty bitty chip in my front tooth atm but thats getting fixed.
or my arms atm cause I'm getting some muscles which is pretty fuckin sick.

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oh and whos that one person you miss?

lmao. who is this tho?
seriously if you're that interested in my exciting life you can just ask me on facebook or something, obviously you know me and the shit that i've been dealing with. The person is completely irrelevant. I don't care if you want to know these things I'll tell ya if I feel you're worth telling? ja'feel?

If you could do anything now, what would you do?

define anything?
like right this very second, and this very point of my life lol I want to go to the gym, but a) I'm too fuckin poor and b) the weather is absolute shit right now.


Justina Carpenter
lol yooo those are some deep questions whoevers asking, if you want to know every detail about this just ask me on facebook and I'll tell ya. I dont got nothing to hide but that's some deep shit for here hahaha.

are you going to miss any of the people that you're cutting out, since they were obviously apart of your life for some time, and I'm sure you had your fun with them otherwise you probably wouldn't have been hanging out and doing whatever it was you were doing with them?

waa. pretty sure this answer is in those last 2 questions, no like I said they were never friends to begin with. Pretty much like the quote "we met for a reason, you're either a lesson or a blessing." I did have my fun, and thats the only reason I hung out with these people. I can think of one person in particular that I do miss, but I don't see us being friends in the future because we met on shitty terms, we enabled each other too much and thats something I have to accept. I need to work on myself that involves building positive and sober relationships with people, and cutting out the ones that were only there for alcohol and drugs.

being drunk and doing drugs all the time must be fun sometimes dont you think?

The fun only lasts for so long until your body comes dependent on it. Some people have control over the fun they have with it all I'm sure, but not me, my drinking is my main problem, and when I started drinking is when I wanted drugs, I can't afford both, and its not worth it anymore. I was so sick all the time when I wasn't drinking, so on days I knew I couldn't afford to get what I needed I was in bed, I seriously felt like I was dying sometimes.. its scary and not fun at all.

Who were the people that you cut out

lol whoever asked me this already seen but I'm changing my answer because I really shouldn't name people, point being that they aren't/were never friends to begin with. Me not being in their lives isn't going to effect them much and for me I just need to work on myself without being involved with them :)

Favorite memories in high school?

lol um I'd have to say when maria french tried attacking me because I was being an asshole, or getting kicked out of a basketball game because I was so aggressive and shoved that girl on the ground, idk I was hardly went to school after grade 10.

I remember this one time I seen you wrecked out of your mind at QE that's probably why you dropped out and didn't graduate eh?

lmao wow that was so long ago, truly living in the past, and I wouldn't doubt that you seen me.. I was a fuck in hs.... I stopped going to QE in 2011, I still did school work all throughout 2012, and graduated a year later than I should have in 2013. so suck it!
Liked by: Blair Bresson

why are you so good at scrabble

I went through a scrabble phase when I first moved to thunder bay, thats literally all I played every chance I got, at one point I had like 45 scrabble games going. #mynamesjustinaandimascrabbleholic

Do you really think you can keep going go bars to "just dance" when your friends go out?

I'm not planning to "keep going" to bars on a reg basis lol.. the friend I went out with isn't even from here, as were the people I was supposed to DD for...and the people I would go out with in the months of December/January I cut communication off with them because they were never really "friends" just people I'd go to the bar and get fucked up with. I'm not going to stop being friends with people I've been friends with since kindergarten just because they still drink, I don't need them to change their lifestyle just for me.
I love dancing, and I've danced soberly many times, if you really knew me you'd know that I can be weird as fuck as dance and sing around my house, theres videos of me doing exactly that, completely sober.. sometimes its just a lot more fun to be in a different atmosphere and do so.

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did you actually stay sober tonight?

maybe I did maybe I didn't
jk yes I did, and I actually didn't mind it at all.. I mean I know its really early in my "recovery" to go to a bar, but aside from being an alcoholic I really like dancing lmao, and that's all I wanted to do last night and thats exactly what I did.. And sooner or later I'm going to be in situations where my friends will go out, and it does get boring being at home all the time and I know I don't HAVE to go out at all but just because I'm sober doesn't mean I expect all my friends to be sober with me.. I'm the one with the a drinking problem and so far they've been very supportive in my decision to become sober, its all about self control. I was actually supposed to be a DD last night but they changed their minds on going on, thats why I got it in my head to even go to a bar. So ya.

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Liked by: Jordynn Lee

Opinion on:

thats my girl! lol been through lots with her, from living together, doing stupid shit together, the fights, but always ending back with each other. Glad she's around and knows what I go through sometimes and giving me the advice I need to hear, even if it is brutally honest. And I'm so happy with the way things are going for her and her lil family, shes come along way <3

any regrets?

no ragrattsss jk
sorta, I regret being such a fuck throughout high school, I regret wasting so much of my time and money on alcohol and drugs that it got too out of hand, I regret things that I've said and done while under the influence, theres so much and I know exactly where the problem is.. but these are things I can no longer change, I am working on myself, and believe things will fall into place eventually.


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