
Katie Summers

Ask @KatieBummers

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Yours and greenwoods relationship is the cutest, I see you at lunch a lot, describe the time you met? When you first realised she was your best friend? Some memories? What you think of her? Stuff like that..<333

Aw thank you:')
Alright then..Katie Greenwood. The first time I met that girl was in year 7. We were in all the same classes but didn't really speak straight away, everyone kinda kept to themselves and their friends from primary but I remember the first time I noticed her. We were in RE, we were all little boffins and had backpacks and I remember as the bell went her getting up and putting on her black and green backpack she sat 1 seat in front of me. The first time we smiled at each other, was when we realised we had the same name, because you know, we're cool like that;) we slowly started becoming friends and you know being top year 7's tried out best to confuse our teachers on which Katie was which, soon enough we got called Summers and Greenwood and still are now, I first realised she was my best friend in history, start of year 8..we sat next to each other in the little corner at the back of miss Norman's class room, omg she hated us, I would not stop laughing all lesson, every lesson. tbh I basically live round her house, her family is my second family, and mine is hers well I mean she calls my mum mummy Mandy so you know;) some memories? I have billions. When we went on holiday together is probably one of the biggest and best. BANNANA. MERLIN. aha when she tried to flirt with the boys In the pool by doing a dive and ended up belly flopping, such a babe;) when we got stuck in the ball pit, and our tiny little room;) ooo jammy! Toffee! Rodney&jeffery;)
So this girl that I've spent all these memories with, she's beautiful. The most gorgeous girl I know inside and out. She has stuck by me through absolutely everything. She listens when I'm upsets and Just knows when I need a hug, she's always the one that beats up the boys that mess me about out there;) she's has the biggest heart ever. She's down to earth and won't ever let anyone talk about her friends behind their backs. She's always got my back. We're so alike its incredible. We're one and the same<3 I wouldn't change that girl for anything. Never. She's perfect, just the way she is. Sometimes you think that you'll be fine by yourself but the truth is having a friend like her is what makes life great, amazing more like. She's the only one who sees the side of me that's not always smiling and happy, she's the only one that I let see me cry, but she's the one that brings me straight back to smiling, she's my selena and I'm her demi :') Love you gaywood;)<3<3

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Just answer my fucking question properly fuck sake, do you fucking cut?!!

Someone's mummy didn't teach them their manners aw.

100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x haa x

Kieran McEvoy
Aw cheers buddy:))x

During a recent poll 80% of females have kicked a male in the balls at least once so I decided to do my own. So have you ever kicked a guy in the nuts before? If yes how my times have you kicked a guy in the balls?

No I haven't...apparently it really hurts so why would i, it's horrible.


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