
Katie Summers

Ask @KatieBummers

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l'd love to go to lreland to, can l come with?:D!, lrish accents are to die for though!!<3 My celebrity crush is either Niall or Harry!!<3

Yes! We're now going to Ireland together okay?!;) omg I love their accents so much<3 aww, I love Niall, hehe:3<3
Liked by: Courtney:))

1000000000000000000000000000! You're gorgeous!<3 Favourite film? Celebrity crush? lf you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?<3<3<3

Aww thank you!<3 1) urm probably beastly 2) NIALL HORAN!;D 3) Ireland, I think number 2 explains that;)<3<3<3
Liked by: Courtney:))

You only liked the Olympics because of Tom Daley...

Urgh seriously... What because im a teenage girl thats the only reason? Yes I love Tom Daley but he's not the reason I watched the Olympics, I watched the Olympics because it shows that for a small country we actually do have a lot, and can achieve a lot and the Paralympics to me was amazing, I respect those people so much, there such inspirations. So next time try not to be so judgemental thanks:)
Liked by: Jordan Briggs

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ooohhh your supposed to ell me everything... last night i felt well badd..

Whoops... I told you..head up high okay?! It will be fine:)

Really..I thought most British people were really posh...yes you have pulled;)<3

No there really not. I'm not even posh...I suppose I'm kinda casual..idk:p and haha I still have no idea who you are tho:s<3

Hello pretty girlie! 1) why is your nickname bummers 2) how long have you had your nickname? 3) a celebrity you respect?

Hey there beautiful :') 1) because I like to bum people. Nash because my last name is summers so it just kinda worked.. 2) since the start of year 8 I think? 3) Demi lovato for telling the world about her self harming x

1) favourite singer? 2) best friend? 3) favourite song? 4) furthest you've gone with a boy? 5) bra size? 6) virgin?;)<3

Well that escalated quickly... 1) One direction 2) Katie greenwood 3) are you happy now by megan&liz 4) well I've been to America with my brother 5 times now, that's pretty far:) 5) 600zzzzz 6) Yeah I've been on virgin airlines, gotta love airplanes.
Liked by: Courtney:))

Idk why u get love on ere, your well ugly!!

You* here* you're* Ugly? Aw much like your spelling and personality, aw:)

I want to be your 100th answer omg! Hope you have a good christmas, you're so lovely, I know you have no idea who I am but I saw your answer that said people are talking about you at school, from your answers and bio I can tell you're perfect and beautiful!:) love a complete stranger <3 xxxx

Aw thank you, thats made my day:3 wow there should be more people like you in the world, you're so lovely aw:') no ones perfect though, I hope you have a good Christmas also stranger;)<3 xxx

What's the longest you've waited in line and what were you waiting for?

Like 45 minutes? For a ride in Universal Studios I think

Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

Following your own dreams.
Liked by: angel


Language: English