
Kevin Lin

Ask @KevinLin290

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whats a curl up? like a pullup?

No, it's just a crunch but you go all the way up as opposed to going up 45 degrees.

work? where do u work?>

I'm gonna volunteer not work. I mentioned this before. Not sure about this yet since I have a lot already.

what made you start lifting??

I didn't start lifting yet. But my gym teacher from freshman year inspired me LOL. I just do push ups and curl ups. I've only been to the gym during school.

i can only do 2 10 lb plates on each side, thats 85 lb total, am i weak?! :'(

Nah, you just hadn't lifted long enough.

come play badminton at 18, ill crush you

lol maybe. I'm booked this summer, don't got a lot of time.

what park do you play badminton at? ps18??

Nah, I went to Fort Greene last time. I don't usually play badminton.

wait so the bar weighs 45 lbs, so you add another 45 on each side? thats 135 lbs

Yeah, I can only do 1 rep of that lol.

I saw you playing Badminton at the park the other day. You're mad good. You gonna join the team?

lol mayb.

Will either Scott, rudhsbh,.sany, amrit, or Raul be at the athletic center or your business partner for the bakery?

No. I don't talk to most of them anymore lol.

How can we save the World from global warming?

With global cooling of course! #realsolutionsbABEEIIIIII


Yes, we will make a bakery with the best buns in the state. Whether it be the legendary hot dog bao or a saccharine sugar bun, we will bake it all. People will laugh at us at first but one day they will all revere the name that is Kevin's Buns.


Language: English