
I Am Batgirl ;)

Ask @Kieraox

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Does somebody wants to do spam for spam? If so, like 25/50/75/100 of my answers and Ill return the favor after. And if you're lucky, like 75 of my answers to get a gift. Anyways, I follow you <3, maybe a follow back?

§ Saruman the White §

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You dont deserve Shan i would brake my neck to be best friends with her because she's perfect

Okay then whatever you say

So you can sort things out with other people but no her, your mad, she's perfect

I said its easier to talk to her in person as there's quite abit to sort out between us

Your opinion on tyler and shaun?

Tyler's a lovely guy, great to have a laugh with, can trust him and funny. Shaun I don't really know him to be honest

Your opinion on kieran

Kieran's my beffa, he's always there for me and cheering me up when down, he good-looking tbh and I'm sure he will treat any girl right. We have our little arguments which are stupid but we've managed to sort things out. He's a weird boy but so am I ahah anyway can't think of anything else to say :p
Liked by: Kieran IsGreat

Post a picture of you and her and write a massive para about her

Shann your my bestfriend and have been ever since everything happened, your beautiful and amazing. We may have our differences but we still always manage to have a laugh with eachother. Having you here there for me when I was going through my rough patch made me realise how much you cared and I'm sorry if I don't show it to you at times but I am grateful and always will be. I'm sorry i may not always be the perfect bestfriend you deserve but please don't leave me beautiful. Being with you the past few months has changed me I've became myself again the girl I was ages ago forgetting about all my problems. You tell me everything and trust me just like I trust you. People yes they see that I don't deserve you which I know but it's your decision I just want you to know I'm sorry I may not e perfect, I'm sorry I have m flaws, I'm sorry I can be a rubbish best friend but I love you and always will <3

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Liked by: Tiny'xo


Language: English