
I Am Batgirl ;)

Ask @Kieraox

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Ignore them! They posted those "questions" anonymously, showing their scared and jealous otherwise they would of told the lies to your face. Believe me alright ?

Thank you mylo it means a lot you know how low my confidence I and this doesn't really help but thank you again

your such a slag ew

Cheers, I know the last 3 things are from the same person
Comments like this hurt people's feelings so unless you have nothing nice to say then don't say it at all because I'm not letting things like this get me down again

Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

Lots of friends but most of them are close ones

What was your best birthday?

Erm probably when I was younger and had a swimming party when all my family and friends were there


Language: English