
kale kilcullen

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u nd "Plisk Chick" probably have nothing in common she probably hates u lololololol and u luv her lolololol #acaawkward

Lolololololololololol #awkwarddddd

longg paragraph of Morgan Plisky

Morgan FUCKING plisky ok well I posted on ig one night that I was board so I posted a pic with my kik on it and apperently no one whould give u my kik but u got it off my ig that night but anyways where do I start I remember when u first kiked me and u basically told me ur whole life story and at the moment I new. We were going to be really good friends we have so much in common its crazy I can tell u anything and eveything and u no more about me then anyone else in the world our endless memories r the best going to to town throw gummy sharks at people during shark week screaming shark attack with Matt Schmidt and Ryan carrol and getting giant reesses cups hahaha ur the bestest friend ever and I seriously couldn't live without u our day yesterday was the best at the zombie walk and me screaming and having all the zombies attack me and our funnel cake and being freaked out and last night when we had nothing to do so we planned to do all this stuff and then we hung out with brad ahahaha for like 10 mins that was so fun I will never forget that day and the zombie burping ur face Morgan I love you so fucking much and I couldn't imagine life without u plisk chick u always make me laugh and I can trust u with anything ur probabaly one of my fav people and our secret hash tag that I'm not gonna say on here that can stay between us lol but ur like awesome and I hope sandwich jr is ok tell the water I love him so much and I miss him hopfully u didnt kill him by drinking him and that day when I thought ur brother to say I'm sweating bullets and when I wore ur plisky sweatshirt and ran down matts street screaming I'm Morgan plisk hahaha and the videos of Thomas saying I'm sweating bullets but WE FORGOT TO PLAY THE MONKEY GAME LAST NIGHT whoops anyways ur the best I LOVE YOU MORGAN ❤️ (just felt the need to add this picture) LOVE UUUU PLISKY - love monkey

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Liked by: Gabryella Russo

Fav pic you got of Morgan (with or without her)

I'm not in this but I took this but this is the best picture I have ever taken hahahah notice our zombie friend in the background


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