
kale kilcullen

Ask @Kkilcullen

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How many letters are in the first name of the person that u have a thing with. Once u answer I will stop

there name starts with the letter N

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You and Maggie are the hottest best friends I know everyone I see you guys together I just want to bang you both

excuse me ...

Do you ever hangout with anyone else BESIDES maggie you hangout with her 24/7 wouldn't you get tired of her or she get tired of u

Maggie's my bestfriend .... how about you go get yourself some friends and get of my ask thanksss ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Liked by: maggie mon

You think your so cool cause more then one boy likes you that doesn't make you cool at all you think your so great


Hey uhh ik I'm making things awkward but we used to be close and I miss talking to u and ur really pretty btw (I'm a boy)

when did we meet

No but i just want you to know i miss you and i love you

awwh please text me I probably miss you too!


Language: English