
Kaya van cleave

Ask @Kkkkaaaayyyyaaaa

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I love you seester. Tell canyon I love him to. Anything you need I'm a text or call away(:

Casey Riley
Tomarrow I will tell the school that I think we're getting called In

Hey I heard about your brother at church yesterday and just wanted to say I hope he's okay, and to keep your head up cause some of the people did the same thing to me that they did to you, and just don't let it get to you!

Kassidi James
Thanks :)
Liked by: Francesca Rael

Kaya I love you dont listen to these people Im sure if macaila did cry over it she wasnt still mad or upset about it dont let these people get to you and im really sorry about canyon we all know he will be ok :)

Chad I love you

I hope canyons ok! we miss him at my house, tell him we'd love for him to visit when he can :)

Francesca Rael
He just went in for a blood transfusion like right this minute. He's been bleeding internally and is losing a lot of blood. Please keep him in your prayers.
Liked by: Melissa Phillips

What happened between Macalia and I?

Kaya van cleave
After this conversation. I made a huge mistake and commented on her picture and said "there's something in your teeth" then she called me and said I need to stop. So I did. But then Alyssa Avalos got involved.
The next day I called Macalia and apologized for being rude and commenting on her picture and she told me we were fine and that I just need to be nice to her little Hannah Bear. And I agreed
Alyssa wouldn't leave me alone even after this so when Macalia passed away I think she saw it as a way to make more people hate me. I ain't images Macalia crying because of a stupid comment. And what everyone is doing to me on here is wrong. When Macalia died I lost sleep over this. And when Alyssa said that I made her cry I went straight to seanie and she told me that Macalia wasn't upset about it anymore and that Alyssa was making stuff up.
Now everyone who has been saying stuff on here. What would seanie do if she saw this. Or if Macalia can she wouldn't be proud of you she would be discussed especially because you two were some of her best friends.

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Liked by: Jordan Doerksen

Hey girl. Just wanted you to know, everyone makes mistakes and for you to be called out on it is not okay. I've been through the same. It makes me mad that people that are older than you are picking on you. They are the ones who are supposed to be more mature.

Briana Agno
Thank you ❤
Liked by: Amy abenth

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