

I go to your school and find it weird how you pretend to be some innocent virgin when really everyone talks about how many guys you've fucked.Think everyone likes you but half of your 'friends' talk about you. We all did on camp too, thats why you only had loners from other schools to hang out with

Look let me get one thing straight I am a virgin. If I wouldn't be I would say so, but i am. Just because people say I am a slut, doesn't make me one. There are these things called rumours? Heard of them? Yea it's when people say false information about you behind your back. And I didn't hang out with loners from other schools. I actually hung out with all of the gaga playing people. Which friends according to you even say this shit? And why do you keep saying stuff like this? Am I really that interesting or do you just have a very boring life?
Liked by: Brett Plant
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If you had a boat, what would you name it?

Relation. So I could have a Relationship! Get it?! No? Okay :c

Why are you a model when you look like a horse? you're so arrogant if you think you're hot

Haha that's cute. Please explain how I look like a horse? And When did I ever claim I was hot? I model because I love it and I'm passionate about it. Also if you would know anything about it it's not about looks it's about a good personality and confidence. Of which you have neither? Who do you think you are to judge when you have to hide behind a computer and posting these anonymous questions? I feel sort of sorry for you to be honest. If you have a problem with me, just talk to me, or are you afraid? I get that you don't like me, but do you even know me? Did I do anything to make you say these things? Or are you just jealous? Karma's a bitch. Just remember that.
Have a nice day xo

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