
Laura McGonigle

Ask @LauraJaffacakeMcGonigle

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last time u cried of happyness last time u cried of sadness/ injured

Happiness? Umm idek the ages ago I was saying how much I loved joe and I started crying :L haha and sadness a few hours ago

how many boyfriends have you had ??

Like a proper boyfriend? I don't class like junior school as proper so idk probably joe tbh that it my first proper boyfriend my first kiss ;)

Opinions on joe ???????

Without joe i'd die :'( He is just thre most amazing thing in my life... He is always there for me! He makes me laugh and he is sweetest thing ever! He is always so caring and loyal....he makes me laugh like all the time! and he always asks me whats wrong! He understands me so much and he always listens to my pointless dramas! :L I love him so much it's unreal! He just completes me like my other half :') He is like the most trustworthy person i know and he always makes an effort even if im in a super pissy mood :L i can be such a bitch sometimes but he just ignores it! :L and i can tell him everything :'( i dont know how to explain how much i love him tbh he's so perfect and i know i don't deserve him! i've been told anough but i just love him so much i can't let him go :'( he's so perfect in everyway and i honestly cant explain it! <3 <<33 I lovee you joeeoeeeeeeyyy<3<<33

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Liked by: joemccaffrey

Opinuons on joe ???? How long have u loved him ??? Do u still love him ???? Be honest

He's perfect.......end of. And idek :L a long time! And yes! Ofcourse i still love joe he's my 'little' Joey-bear hahahahaha i've never said that before.. :L :') <3
Liked by: joemccaffrey

(Same person as the first one) if you wasn't in any of our lives it would be such a big deal, I don't no any one like you, your unique and special and I love you so much, I hate it when I come on ask and see that some sick, sick dick head had decided that they want to pick on some one, I love you!!!

I don't think you would notice if i just sort of disapeared tho tbh :/ love you too <3

Laura your perfect, please don't let some pussy anon tell you different, there just some dick sitting behind a computer screen who, to be honest, is probs jealous of you, you have friends who love and care for you, you have a boyfriend who does the same, your beautiful, if you ( ran outta space.....


If I pop up on fb, promise you won't tell anyone, and won't judge me? :( ♥♥

I promise <3 <3 <3

i'm scared that you will hate me two, just like everyone else does:'( ♥♥

I won't! I'd never hate anyone just because they hurt so much they feel they need to take it out on themself :( please bby tell me who you are :( <3 Pop up

Well. you dont know me but im friends with you on fb and you like inspire me, the thing is, i self harm and no one likes me because of it, they judge me before they actually know whats happend and stuff... and when you said you here to help...I guess I thought I could speak to you...:'( ♥

Awe beautiful :( Pop up?? We can talk.. have we talked befoee?? <3 <3

Omg why the fuck would anyone send you hate! Your perfect Laura, don't listen to them dicks who think they are cool telling people to kill themselves! Your my role model, so yeah, those bitches don't deserve your tears♥

:/ But they are gettibg my tears arent they :/ whos this? <3

Wondering if pencil sharpener blades are sharp? I thought you'd know

Sharp anough to sharpen penicils :L


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