
Laura McGonigle

Ask @LauraJaffacakeMcGonigle

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I shall do that somtime, they can un follow us If that hate it sooooooooooo bad.. WOOOH I MADE A FRIEND:D

Indeed!! You must;)) And ikr;) haha Yaaaaaaaaaaaay wooooooooooooooooooow friend time!! ;) xxxx

Were clogging up people's ask.fm newsfeeds and everyone's probably thinking....... WHAT THAT FUCK ARE THEY ON A BOUT THE WIERDOS;) xxxx

ahahahaha thats their problem!;) i'm enjoying it! ;) you should pop up sometime xxxx

Got anything else planned for monday nite ;)

:************************************************************ I love sasha.

Got anything planned this week?

umm, not really, but monday night sasha is sleeping round;) then on wednesday a movie day with lucien:')


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