

Latest answers from Legacy

Rank team members dick size from small to slightly less small?

Cupcake has a small ass dick and shoots little loads
Tally has a little pecker and loves to suck shernfire off on LAN
Lost lost his penis in the Vietnam war and doesn't want to talk about it
Carbon has a thick veiny monster
Claire has a mangled dong

Who on the team memes the hardest?

I'd say it's a pretty even affair when it comes to meme-ing on the team, if I had to choose a particular person it would be Cardrid for his Puush spam. - Rusty

You said the other day you believe the order from best to worst top 4 in OPL, included yourselves as number 1. After your games today, almost losing to iM with a sub ad, and being - I would hesitate to say - crushed by DW. Would you review the order of the top 4 teams?

We've definitely had rocky start and this week we haven't been playing very well. However come the end of the season I'm pretty confident we can perform on LAN again. People have told us before every tournament we weren't going to win so I'm not too worried about rankings.

why do you rate yourselves above chiefs as a team? individually you rated the players of chiefs all above/equal to your players apart from support. is it because of the 2 defeats last year? before then they had been undefeated similar to thus far this season

Before then we weren't actually a team though. That being said I think there is only one role that is 100% better which is top (swippy so guuouoduoud) and arguably AD. I feel like we play well on stage and they play better online without the nerves. I wouldn't say we are necessarily above them as a team but I certainly wouldn't say we're worse. And even then you don't need to be better individually in every role to be a better team (Cloud 9 comes to mind). I have to point out that the super team was Rusty's super team and doesn't represent all our thoughts (though having a team askfm makes that easy to think). I wanted to answer this because I feel like a lot of people attribute thoughts to us that we don't share (Shit talking on twitter doesn't help I guess but it's tonnes of fun).

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Are you guys based in one city or all over the place?

All over the place! Adelaide Canberra Sydney and Melbourne I believe - Rusty

Would u say ur team are the best in the region in each role, If not who would u rate the allstar team?

As someone who is not a part of the main roster, I would say the 'allstar' team from an outside unbiased perspective is
Top: Swiper/Perfection - Swiper on the nose
Mid: ChuChuZ/Swiffer - Depends on the day
Jungle: Carbon/Spookz - Carbon slight advantage
Support: Egym pretty much uncontested
Marksman: Raydere/King - Veteran/Newbie

What are your goals for this season?

My biggest goal is to make worlds this season I really wanna play vs the best players -Tally

What do you think are the easiest/best team comps to play in ranked 5s/tourn play?

Probably pick comps because they are very hard to play vs once they start snowballing -Tally

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