

Ask @LesliieHoran

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Entonces, solo queda esperar sentado entre la niebla de algún bar a que llegues sonriendo. Basta con tenerte cerca, y que me beses, para que se restaure el hondo y diminuto hueco para el universo en las cosas, nuestro breve y exacto lugar en el cosmos.

dead poet

;) y en ningun momento eh dicho que Sos vos ya me di cuenta quien es ;) & pues vale madre contal casa quien sabe lo que Es :D

Como digas

Hey hagame un favor y digale a sus amigas que dejen de andarme mencionando tanto :) que yo ni por Joder se me a pasado por la mente hacerle alguna pregunta :)

Elizabeth Rivas
Son en anonimo por si no te fijastes, creeme que si supiera lo haria pero como no se, y aclarando tampoco soy yo la que te tira hate
Liked by: Victor Hugo

btw i think we have something with dissociative personality, oh maybe it can be Alison that's messing with us! remember she's 5 people at the same time, she will kill usssssss!! like she did with Monaaaaa!

Oh God!!! Hahahaxd

Pancake ignore them haters, they're just jealous about you, haha i don't know but the girl/boy below is hating like there's no tomorrow, haters gonna hate, shake it off haha(:

Ignore 'em too! Shake them off! Hahaha

In one occation I save you from one thing, you make with one of your friends, dont think too much on that. -Your Hero♥

Please your name..

Why you hate her? Did she made you something?

I have my reasons, but Im just gonna let them pass, she is not important for me so I have nothing to say about her, not again.

You are right, I think that is too much bullshit and stupid people, around us. -Your Hero♥

Yeah, but they are not the first and last people who are going to hate me so. I gonna let them talk and that's it.-who are you hero?

C'mon, we all know which person you're talking about with German! You look very ridiculous talking about And you're the girl talking 'bout maturity? Lol! Stop acting like a simple girl and grow up girla;)

And here you go.. it's okay.

That's exactly what i think, i am asking her in a good way to quit it, but she won't so i will just ignore her, uh genesis says that she loves youuu haha:)❤

Continue that way, okay? Tell her I love her mooore:')

Yes, they keep saying that they are olders and have the sufficient maturity, but with all that stuff and bullshit they talk i think that they are just kids fighting, because they are hurt. -Your Hero♥

Yeah, and with this im not saying im that mature but something sure is im enough mature to handle tjis thing! They just can't


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