

Ask @LesliieHoran

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Pancakeeeee! are you on at Facebook? guess what?:l the whore didn't stop:l i gotta send you something btw iloveyouuuuuuu❤

Send it cupcake! But remember stop saying things, she do not worth it.

i think that all this people (if you can named them like that), have to stop telling bullshit and insulting the persons because they are hurt. what do you think? -Your Hero♡

I think all this mess, this stupid mess is about maturity, I mean they can't hold they are not the center of attention and as you said they are hurt, and I don't know why the hell they say those things about me, is like I don't care a shit what people says about me so they are going to stop saying bullshit until they accept they gotta act according to their age? -My Hero?

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top 3 de las personas que te alegran los dias!!!?????

Eres hermosa
Donde conicistes a tus mejores amigas
Y las preguntas de el*--*

Uy como que la gente de ahora anda revuelta, verdad panqueque? haha, te adoro & siempre estaré con vos panqueque feaaaaaa❤, pd: nos hacen falta selfies❤

Hahahaha pinches Esas:) I knoow love you more cupcake horrible*-* pd: mañana selfies<3


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