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hello can you share us please?, Were 2 girls who love helping people and we'll be here for you whenever. Were happy to answer questions on anything, sex, relationships, bullying, self harm, anything!! were happy to help!! - princess

☯Smile + Be Strong αℓωαуѕ!☯
we've shared you a few days ago but ^^^ -L x

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Dunno if you can help but me and my boyfriend have trust issues. He will flip out sometimes physically if he hears/sees me talk to another boy, make eye contact with them, even text them. I get jealous but not to the extent where I take it out on him. I love him to bits so leaving is no option. Help

you have to tell him that no matter how many or how often you talk to other guys, he will always be the one you love. tell him how much you love him and hopefully he'll understand. -L x

Do you want admins???

we don't get many more questions anymore so i think we're alright thank you -L x

Silly question but I think I might be bi sexual. I'm really worried I've only opened up to one person about it so far and they've just made fun of me. I really don't know what to do I know my parents will be angry and won't except me if I am. I really don't know what to do I'm just so confused. (L)

it's not a silly question! sorry for the late reply!
it's okay to feel this way about your sexuality, if this person has made fun of you then they're not a real friend. one of my best friends is bisexual and she got bullied a lot but after a week, it had all died down and now she's completely happy and comfortable with her sexuality! and about your parents, they love you and they will love you whatever sex you're attracted to, write a letter to them explaining how you feel and i promise you everything will be okay :) -L x

This girl I love who is already in a relationship said she's loved me for a while. Yesterday we talked again and she said it wasn't even a crush, and the way she worded it sounded like she no longer liked me. Is it really that easy to lose everything?

(so sorry for not answering, no one's been online.. i guess we're all really busy atm SORRY)
i'm afraid that it works both ways for some people, sometimes absence makes the heart grow stronger, but for others it helps them forget about other people. she's in a relationship right? she's probably focusing on her boyfriend instead of chasing after other people. don't stop talking to her though! even if it's just as friends, you don't want to lose the girl you love and maybe she'll come back! good luck sweetie -L x

lucy stop cutting

i've tried but i'm addicted
thank you for caring but i'm here to help you instead -L x

i really like this girl but she lives 4 hours away from me, i think she likes a guy in her school but she gives hints that she likes me too, we're best friends and we tell eachother everything i'm not sure how to go about it because i really love her but she cuts and always feels worthless

i suggest talking to her about this, ask her if she likes this guy or if she has any feelings for you, make sure you tell her exactly how you feel for her. and bc she self harms and feels upset, don't just think about that, she wants to be loved with her scars and if you tell her you love her then you could be her savior and the one to make her happy again.
good luck c: -L xx

whats your blackberry pin?

who do you need? we all have kik but i'm not sure who has a blackberry x -L

Can I be an Admin?

sorry we're not in need of any atm. i'll post on the page if i ever need a new admin but we've got a good team for now c: -L x

Please share our page, There's always someone online 24/7 and we can help you with anything you have a problem with. We won't judge or discriminate against anyone :) - Caitlin, Charlotte, Elliot, Carl, Maria, Elly, Conor, Thankyou ;)

go here for more advice! ^^^ -L x

I have to go swimming with some friends on tuesday. I have multiple cuts down the side of my leg from self-harm. How do I cover them up?

there's not really much you can do i'm afraid, the only thing i can suggest is using some waterproof concealer to match the skin tone on your legs -L x
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What would you do with your “15 minutes” of fame?

tell all my fans they're perfect and that i'd always be there for them.. basically i'd be demi lovato c: -L x
Liked by: Advice for you

how do you organism when your masturbating?

just playing with your genitals really! it's all pretty simple, females can rub or finger themselves (there's a question on how to orgasm in those methods already answered) and for males you can rub or play with your testicles or penis.
it's all about experimenting with your own body in ways you feel comfortable with! -L x
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