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Latest answers from LittleNormandy

I miss your flailing over Root T_T

There's been a 2 week drought! Also I'm trying not to think about POI too much because I just have all these miserable theories about the next 3 eps. Welp. Tuesday needs to get here though.

Sup! When you'll start a Valkubus fic? :3

I'm fanfic dysfunctional right now, also if I do manage to write something It will be a root/shaw thing for sure.

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

Blue so I can pretend to be an Asari.

That you still ship Brittana makes me happy. :)

They got screwed over by a show that hated them from the outset, it was never going to go well with the writers we had. The fandom made them special.

do you still ship brittana?? (not the canon crap that glee has made in the last season lol)

-snape voice- Always

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