
Captain Hindsight

Ask @LouiseQuigley15

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Your perfect no matter what and because of your past you now have a future (sending this to everyone who clicked like on my school question)

Awww, thank you <3
You're perfect too. :3

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what if the perfect boy cant get piercin?

They don't have to have piercings, i just really love piercings on guys. <3

perfect boy?

Okay, I love piercings on guys omg alskldkkfdsjk it's so hot, any kind of piercings tbh I love,
I prefer dark haired guys but I don't really care, Blondes are hot too, same for eyes, Though blue eyed boys are just perfect unf omg, But i do love brown eyes as well.
Height- has to be taller than me but that is pretty easy since i'm like 5"2 so yeah,
Weight- don't want someone who is chubby sorry, but they can't be skinnier than me i just don't like that. sns.
Personality- They have to confident, I'm a pretty confident person tbh and I wouldn't work with someone is is shyer than meh idk, Has to make me laugh but i'm such a giggly person so it's not hard to be funny in my eyes,
Oh and I actually love clingy boys idk, I'm weird like that, and I love boys who get jealous easily, idk, i know it's weird but awwww well idc, it's probably because i'm quite a jealous person so yeah,
Oh, and I actually love dimples/freckles on a guy, it's just so fucking cute omg. :3

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Liked by: Sam I am

He’s the one, who likes all our pretty songs. And he likes to sing along. And he likes to shoot his gun. But he knows not what it means, knows not what it means when I say yeeeaaahhh! We can have some more, nature is a whore, bruises on the fruit, tender age in bloom... He’s the one.

Liked by: Cal. Jasmine Marie Ry

get skype

Is there a please in there?
And what do you mean get skype?
I have skype.
Send meh your skype and i wont answer ii,
And ill add you okai. ^.^

nicest girls you've met in grammar ?

Rachy <333, kinga, rachel b, chloe m, Natayla ^.^, I've met lots of lovely girls tbh.


Language: English