
Captain Hindsight

Ask @LouiseQuigley15

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n technicallly she left me, last day of skool, I came in n she was wif evaa n tht n I had to go to her,didn't even see her cuz she said she wasn't goin in, but then I did go to her, n then the shit u sent me n circled bout how much she hated me, ur forgetting all the shit she's said to me innit

Right lets start off with that screenshot i showed you where she called you a loser cuz ik you're still bitter about that, at that time you were being so horrible to me, you were don't even deny it, n i got upset which is why Rachael said that, she wasn't gonna be fucking happy with someone upsetting her best friend so you cant keep blaming her for that,
only one day did she have eva, the rest you could've came up to her like a good friend would have n hung about with her, but you left her with fuck all, even when ppl talk the piss you did nothing.
you weren't a good friend to her then n its so frustrating you don't see that.
Liked by: Rachael Ross

aye tht, and Rachael did u kno her the screen shot of mine n tams convo? Where I said I still cared for u? guessin u didn't innit,

Because calling her relationship pathetic n leaving her alone at school n calling her a hoe really shows you care yup.
Liked by: Rachael Ross

Lol,louise i showed you what hes on about, that massive load of bs then the bit where be calls my relationship pathetic, lol.

Oh yeah that lol how nice of ye to say that balal xoxoxo
Liked by: Rachael Ross

ayee it iz but I dont understand one thin, y is rachael actin like she doesnt kno wha am talkin about, when really she does, either shes hidin somefin from u, n when we argued, only showed u the arguing bits n not the bits where I said to tam tht if he u kno wha fuck it, unblock me n ill send u sc

If i unblock you on Facebook will you explain what Rachael apparently "hid" from me then? And she didn't show me any screenshots of yours n his convo, she respected your privacy enough to not show me.
Liked by: Rachael Ross

ayee tht rachael↓, ik he had nufin to do wif it, but there was a oart where I said to him how I felt about u:)) u obv didn't read it. Louise I'll tell u innit, but another day, unblock me on fb sometime n ill tell u ot come to me at skool n ill tell u

Why cant you say hear? Ill not answer it just say. Also i don't understand why you're starting this all up again, I thought last night was it, But apparently you just couldn't leave it could u:)
Liked by: Rachael Ross


Liked by: Rachael Ross

Not really gonna say on this, ask rachael to copy n past wha I said to her, n then she laughed at:)), n also ask her to send the sc of me talkin to tam:))

Fine i will, But i also want to know why you starting hating me, I get why we stopped being friends because i blocked you on Facebook But you starting hating me for no reason, seems like your new pals had a wee influence in that because they hate me:)
Liked by: Rachael Ross

see, u could say tht innit, but if rachael actually sent a tht sc of wha me n tams convo was, then maybe u would kno, not sure if u kno the full story, or just the bits rachael wanted to tell:)

Right then fucking tell me why you stopped being friends with her? Because i have no clue, its just coming off like as soon as we all went back to skl, you started to hate her because she somehow "used" you but you never say how exactly she used you??
Liked by: Rachael Ross

wowwow wow wow wow error wow route route route row so ye wrote error do wow Wi route rowing wirework, WOW! "got rejected by"? explain plz, only person who rejected me was u innit, nigga never asked rachael out cuz I was waiting:))

Still fancied her, Do you know what's funny?:)) YOU actually used her, She wasn't willing to go out with you but she was more than happy being best mates with you But nope you wanted more which is EXACTLY why you stopped being friends with her.
Liked by: Rachael Ross

ohhhhhhhhhh, nah, wanna annoy u:), n like the hoe said;)) I miss yer bant:() who doesn't? )→•☆•♧•♧●→◀→

The hoe? Ahahahaha is that the same "hoe" that you pure fancied for ages n got rejected by? Wasn't like she was your best pal or anythin:))) #bittermuch
Liked by: Rachael Ross

anddd babe;))) then u miss me? cuz yous have spammed me wif questions, ohhh babe ur so cute:)), n wha if I've blocked u on fb? ohhhhhhhhhhhhh

Mate you cant block me on Facebook i blocked you first ahaha fkin idiot, Why don't you go annoy Samantha or someone who actual give a shit:))

It is babe;)), but please make it more obvious:( please :((

Aww "babe" so cute, still sending me questions, ya know if you miss me you should just say:)))) xoxoxoxoxo

let wha go? :))) I am lettin it go, if I wasnt, then pretty sure, yous would have realised

Did i not made it obvious? Cuz im pretty sure i did. Fuck off already you pathetic waste of my time.
Liked by: Rachael Ross

n, for ur info, am donating to als n gaza:)

Oh good for fucking you, why tf cant you just let this go Nominating me n Rachael so you can just start shit again, You're fucking pathetic.
Liked by: Rachael Ross

done then, be tht sad bitch.

Aha i bet you didn't even donate money you fucking twat, Ill donate money to charity fine, but am i fuck doing the challenge because YOU nominated me. Now fuck off with your sad attempt at being funny:)
Liked by: Rachael Ross

na I have thou, cuz everyone knows ur louise Quigley:) u nees to donate £100 if u dont do it

Or what? Am i going to get arrested if i don't?:) Just piss off balal you're not even funny.
Liked by: Rachael Ross


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