

Ask @Lovlime

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Favourite and least favourite things about streaming?

Favourite thing is being able to play games full time & talking and communicating with the chat! Least favorite thing is the crap you have to take for being a female gamer and not a "pro".

you should make a day in the life video - show us what you get up to during the day when you're not streaming :)

Luke Pryor
Sure! that sounds like a great idea :)

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Care to be friends online with a 28 year old?

Depends on the person in question, if he's nice and if we have anything in common. :]

"How pathetic is a life that is wasted entirely focused on looking for mistakes in others, rather than enjoying their own life." To what extent was your psychology degree necessary to appreciate what this actually means?

You really don't need a degree to understand that tho. I stand up for my opinions :)

Would you describe yourself as a successful person?

Um, I haven't thought about it. I just living in the now and having fun :]

What is your favourite record you have in your vinyl collection? gnr2047

Oh that impossible to answer. I love my Stevie wonder albums :)

Are you having a nice day so far :)

Yes! I fell asleep by accident at 8:30 yesterday and woke up really early. I feel great :)

I was wondering do you like Beast from 'Disney's Beauty and The Beast' better in his animal/monster form (when he's nice and not yelling) or in his human form?

Animal form! I cant stand bossy or stuck up men..

You are so awesome, I'm giving you the same advice my dad gave me. If you ever travel back in time don't step on anything because even the tiniest change can alter reality in ways you can not even imagine!

Well thank you. I'll have that in mind when ever I get a time machine :]

Are you a messy person or a neat freak?

I'm a perfectionist when it comes to many things. I LOVE when it's nice clean environments around me, that's when I feel the best.. But I rather have someone else do it so I can do art or play games ;P I have a lot of clothes >.<

Hi, I was wondering have you ever played the Metal Gear Solid series? ... they are the most awesome video games ever!

No I haven't but I love playing new games! I'll check it out :)


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