

Ask @LustfulSpark

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What makes someone a bad parent ?

Not knowing the type of influence a person can have towards your child. Since a child is still in growth, then their concept of adapting habits around is very likely to promote the adolescents train of thinking.

What exactly do you want these days?

Logic. I want people to understand all forms of logic. So that there can be a more reasonable understanding towards situations, rather than jumping conclusions of impulse. o~O

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When were you truly scared of smth? Tell in details

The grudge when it first came out, I was young and watching that movie was kind of there.

What means of transport do you consider to be the safest? Why?

Anything that you can control that has no uninfluenced liabilities. Think of a natural disaster, you think dem cars are going to be fast enough to get out of traffic?

not getting irritated by exclamations: "Every time I look, you always are in the web"?

I don't know. I'm just doing my part I guess?

Favorite color, favorite song, favorite book, favorite band, favorite clothes?

Blue, Blue, blue, blue, blue. Yes. Songs are varieties. Books: I don't really read books. Band: Variety. Clothing: Things that stretch and fit.

What do you think, where isn't spot for humor?

A workplace can be strict at times. Maybe humor that is tied to something that has been taken serious may get other agitated? There's a lot of different situations.

How do you handle stress??? OR stress handle's you???

Leave all attachments behind, and the stress that is revolved around it is lightened.

Why do people usually push the door when it says pull?

Maybe they're used to seeing the door be pushed instead of pull?

How do you define happiness?

I define it as being able to enjoy, without any conflicting situations. Just. Free to be.

According to you, who are real heroes? ?

Real heros are individuals that don't need to expect anything from anyone, with the acceptance towards what can, and can't happen, using that to their advantage of being care-free, towards not being attached towards others side of involvement.


Language: English