Ask @M__R__T

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Would you like to make african babies with me?? ;D

Are you saying we are going to make babies in African or that our babies will be caramel?

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Who was the last person you hugged?

My friend Abi and I hugged today and then walked down the hall with my arm around her.
That was cool :)

When I was in the womb my doctor thought my penis was my leg because it wuz so big. #thestruggle

That is such an awesome story. I really liked the part where the doctor got your dick confused with a leg. I would definitely tell that story to girls. Who needs pick up lines when you have stories like that!

When I was younger a squirrel grabbed my nuts and I was like "Hey those are my nuts get your own" and he was like "K-k-k-k eeee e e ee ee" and I was like "No im not gonna call you daddy, you arent my daddy. youre a squirrel"

Bro this is one of those situations that I wish I could tell a similar story but I just cannot relate anything even close to that..

"Favourite pornstar? No lying Faye Reagan is pretty nice." you misspelled james deen

Unless its not erica then, Sorry I'm straight.

What was your childhood nick name?

I was always, Matt, Matty or Matteo. There was a short phase of Mafew but that passed pretty quick.


Language: English