
Mason. ✈️

Ask @M_baller

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Do you like going to school?

I mean I don't enjoy it , but I know itll help me get a good job and money, and have a good life.

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ill salt my pussy for you and you can eat it <333

Woudent that hurt like hell? im not a girl, but im guessing it would? would it?

why don't you and karina date already you guys clearly like eachother. you guys would be cute. but I sware too god if you hurt her. ill kill you

I hate anons. why cant they be nice

Who makes your day better?

Wellllll, karina has like the past week because shes funny. but never says anything to me -.- but my mom makes EVERYDAY so much better lmfao

Your gf is ugly

No ones perfect, when you can say that to my face or hers , I can respect it. till then fuck off

Will likers get a tbh? If you have there number you have to txt it to them? (:

Yeah sure wait yeah, ill actually do that aha


Language: English