
Maddy Tetchner

Ask @Maddyshan

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Excited to go back to school?

Be nice to see everyone again, but I am not excited about getting up tomorrow-.-

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A big red bellend with a hole with a 4 inch dick and 2 big balls in a sack with a bit of hair

Excuse me?

If you could have any wild animal as a pet what would it be?

Hmm... I think a lion. That would be great.

Age? Virgin ? Bra size? Underwear colour ? Best friend ? Boyfriend ? One nice boy ? Who do you fancy? Funny boy? Funny girl? One thing you're looking forward to? Where do you live? Phone number?

14 - yes - not saying:/ - pink - Caitie, Jordan, Zoe, Alicia and tabby - nope - I know a lot - not telling;) - aha, I don't actually know.. - CAITIE:') - Alicia's birthday dinner on Tuesday - Narnia - 00000000000

What's on your to-do list this weekend?

1. Lie around
2. Lie around and watch tv
3. Lie around, go on the laptop and watch tv simultaneously
4. Maybe be bothered enough to get up and do some art or piano
Liked by: Luke Morris

What's your mum and dads job?

My mum is a hair dresser and owns ice hair design, my dad has done so many jobs but now he's a probations officer.

Post the hottest slutiest picture of yourself and whoever likes it thinks your hot/pretty/beautiful/perfection

Ahaha, tbh, I haven't got any of those pictures(:

Have you ever slapped anyone really hard? Who?

I slapped Tom round the face for being rude and annoying-.-


Language: English