
madison cohen

Ask @Madison_Cohennn

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Can I text you I'm haveing a problem with the guy I like it might take awhile but You seem good with guys

of course you can! I would love to help

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tbh you are honestly so beautiful and you seem very nice and we should talk sometime

yes we should, thank you💜

Tbh I first met you at Maeve's party and we instantly became friends. We really need to hang out sometime and go swimming. I love you beautiful 😍💜

thank you christina!! I miss you& yes we do💜💜
Liked by: Christina

What team do u want to be on next year in 8th grade?

Idk it doesnt really matter to me this year as long as im with my friends

Turn ons?

Loyal friend
Spiked hair😍
Dresses nice
Cares about their future /trys in school
cute smile
pretty eyes
Acts the same around me as they do with their friends.
Makes an effort to hangout with me ect

It can just be from Venetians if you want or both It don't matter

I dont know though tbh and I probably would name like everyone bc they're all pretty chill plus i would forget half so i would need my yearbook and idk where the hell that is

I'm a lonely guy on Venetians and you're to popular 4 meh

you just said you were on squiers but anyway it doesnt matter to me at all if you think your loney that doesnt define you as a person and how you can be a good friend. Give it a shot and text me

Well you won't move on from you're crush because he's probably hot and you won't get over him for meh

well text me anyways you seem really sweet we could start to be close friends:)

Well damn this ruined my nite. I went on the ask feed and you like someone on Venetians. So I won't be dating uu

aw well you never know what will happen next year and if i will be on the same team with my crush so text me sometime so we can talk:))

This is a different anon then the one with horrifying grammar, but that's shocking they don't have to be really attractive for you because your the definition of perfect

aw thats very sweet💜

So if you start talking with a sonewone you think,; they,. are attractive? Sorry you're' losin me

nooo if i like someone then i will talk with them but just because i talk with guys doesnt mean i find them attractive. im saying like when you see someone attractive he just catches your eye lol sorry

How do you tell if you have a thing with someone?

well for me for example its summer so i dont want to date anyone so you basically both like eachother and you call eachother baby babe and send hearts and all the relationship stuff you just dont date?

Oh I didn't mean he was popul.ar I MEAnt I wanted to see what you would do because u r popular. So are you sa.ying you would date someone not attractive, but, has a nice personality;?

i would never ever date someone just for there looks but like idk how to explain it. Its just like a mutual thing where if you see someone attractivethey catch your eye & you want i start talking and thats how a lot of relationships start. but you dont have to be extremely attractive for me to date you but thats just me all girls are different but you have to have a good personality and good fetures about yourself in general

List of things guys can say that may make a girl like them?

call her beautiful gorgeous ect
If you know you have a "thing" with her call her baby or babygirl
If shes okay with it hug her when you get the chance.
be nice to her and others
Never diss her or someone she is close to
Dont be rude/mean
Dont try to show off. We like you for you not what you can do
Pls dress nice.
Be your 100% self
Be funny but dont do it by making fun of people.
Just be you & it could work out
Liked by: Kylie O'Connor


Language: English