
madison cohen

Ask @Madison_Cohennn

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Tbh we haven't talked in a while and were never on the same team😕😂but ur really nice and funny and we should talk more

Matt M
Thanks and i know😒 maybe next year! Text me sometime!

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Tbh- Madison we just really became friends this year but we are like such good friends!!!! You are literally GOALS😍 you are an amazing singer and just hilarious😂 When we are older we need to make a gym for girls😳😂 I hope we can become even closer than we are now and ELA is so fun with you!

potatolover27’s Profile PhotoErin
Aw thank you erin you too!💗💗 And yes our gym for girls😂👊🏼
Liked by: Erin

I'm so confuzzled, what's the K? 😂

Idk i think like a guy texted her or something and he replied with "k" 😂 im not completely sure what happened😂

Tbh,Your a really nice person and a great cheerleader I hope we can become better friends


Name each cute guy in class Block 1 Block 2 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7

I did this before but okay then u gotta text me no matter if your names on it or not lol
Block 1: biggie&andrew
Block 2: nick force, mark p, dylan b,
Block 5: mark p, biggie, owen b, andrew, nick force,
Block 6: same people bc its doesn't change
Block 7: owen&tyler
I think thats it hah

Ik I will text u just plz list some names

I'll list some, but not all. Text me after please:)
and this is in no order
Mark p
Owen b
Matt r
Jack t
Nick f
Conner k
Andrew v
Uh i cant think of anyone else rn😂
Liked by: Ash(:

Bc if u say my name maybe we can start to talk

aw okay, and u could just text me if you want instead. Just because i name you doesn't mean i like you that way. I'm sure you would be a really good friend, and it also doesn't mean i don't like you that way lol because im not the kind of persn who just goes for the looks you know?

Who's stadsion?

Ugh steven alderfer ask me out infront of the all the boys when we were outside and i said no and now all the ship us and its not okay

Tbh your in my home room so I talk to you pretty often and also I ship stadison

Liked by: Elyse


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