
King Matt

Is teen pregnancy bad?

Very sensitive topic for people and I get asked all the time, so here it is.
Teen pregnancy isn't bad. I personally disagree with anyone under the age of 16 because they're immature, even after 16 they're immature. But I believe that you shouldn't be having sex unprotected and unsafe if you don't have a good income, can't look after the needs of a baby, can't comprehend the reaction you receive from family and friends, simple when you aren't ready.
Personally for me, there no way in hell I am having a baby until after I'm married. After then, I would have ensured myself that I am capable of looking after and bringing up a great human being. Until before then, there's no way in my mind will I ever think about having a baby being pushed out of a vagina that I have to support when I'm not ready.
I'm not saying teen pregnancy is bad, I'm just saying leave it until you find your definition of a "soul mate", wait until you're financially stable, just simply wait until the time is right.
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Wow just thought of this app randomly and popped back on to say I'm still alive lol
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