
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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I'm looking to treat myself to a good book. Can anyone recommend any? I like things along the lines of the hunger games, the lion the witch and the wardrobe and the destined to fly series :)

Sorry I can't help you out I don't really read x

If you had to rid the planet of one animal which animal would you chose and why?

Erm I would choose a Sea Gull, I have no interest in birds as it is and they are just horrible type of birds like they just attack anything that is or has food, they just shit everywhere and make to much noise in the mornings✌️

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If you only had £5/$5 left & you have to buy your partner/best friend a gift. What would you buy them?

For my boyfriend a football
For my best friend blanket?
Liked by: J.

Tell me 5 interesting things about you?

Won't be interesting with the mood I'm in.
-when I down and my dad asks what's up I just say I'm tired
-I pretty much paint a smile on my face when really I'm dying inside.
-I hate hair in boys
-spiders are a no go
-mess makes me angry
Liked by: J.

Do you find it hard to say 'I love you' what do those words mean to you?

Yeah I won't say it till I actually mean it, I guess I've been lied to with that word so I won't say it to many people. At the moment I will only say it too my boyfriend, mum&dad
Liked by: J.

Where is your place of refuge? Why do you feel safe there?

In my bed with my boyfriend, simply because its my space with the person who does nothing but made sure i feel cared for, being in his arms are the best and it just feels like someone truly cares? My bed is my thinking area and just somewhere i feel safe in

Which season would you say best fits your personality? Intrigue me by describing how. What is it about that season that draws you to it because of the relation? It could even be a mix of all of them. Interpret this however you want.

I would say summer&winter. I have days were i'm the bubbliest person around and just love everyone and singing and dancing but then i get says where i just want to stay at home in bed with the curtains closed in darkness and cry. i'm normally a very sociable person and out 99% of the time but you get days like today where you want to be alone to cry or surrounded but family.
Liked by: Beth

What is your take on violence? Do you enjoy it, or do you dislike it? Are you a violent person?

I hate violence, if i see someone having a fight it scares me to the point i just want to go i want to leave that room, i don't think its the answer to anything and in most cases makes things worse. I'm more of a person who would rather sit down and talk about it and hope for the best out come, there are certain places where you need to put up a fight for example someone is trying to do something to you which could be a life or death situation and i hate the fact its a sport for some people it shows little kids its okay to fight and that's why our generation are so messed up,

What do you do when you love someone who doesn't love you back? How do you cope?

If you truly love someone you would either wait around and see if there is a chance with them or you have to try move on, if its proper love then you will always have a soft spot for them but moving on would be the better choice for example that persons happily married with a family that's where they are best off not with another person.

Have you lost faith in anything? If so, what? What helps you keep your faith? (You do not need to interpret this as a religious question, but you are free to do so).

Friends, you will go throughout life thinking you have all these friends in school and outside of school but one day they will all just turn out of the huge group of 'friends' i have i could honestly only say i have about 2/3 true friends out of everyone i thought was a true friend. Family are the best types of friends you can have.

How honest are you? If you were to lie, would it be easily spotted, or would no one suspect a thing?

I'm as honest as i can be, i will lie about things that people don't need to know about like what me and my boyfriend do together because it simply no one else's business, depending on the person and what the topic of the lie is about depends on how well i can lie.

How many people can you truly trust?

If I'm truly honestly know one! I can't tell no one everything

Do people usually believe you're younger or older than what you are? How old or young do you feel?

People say I look 17/18...
I certainly don't feel my age, i cook, clean, look after children, care for the animals and am a lot more mature for my age then normal people my age I would say I feel 16/17

What is a talent you wish you possessed?

Drawing! I love painting and colouring but I can't draw anything to be able to paint or colour! #colouringpages

What is the worst housework/handyman chore, in your opinion?

Dusting and hovering they have to be the worst things I love cleaning but those two just annoy me and are the ones I hate doing.

Are you living out your childhood dreams, do you still have them in mind, or have they changed completely?

I never had childhood dreams apart from being a teacher which I'm trying to do that still, I have done everything I want to in my life so I'm pretty happy.

Can you control your emotions, or do they control you? Why?

I can't help when I need to cry it just comes out, I'm an emotional person a lot recently and will cry in front of anybody and about anything.

What are some of your favorite past memories with people you hold very dear to your heart? You may speak of one or as many as you'd like. Do as you please :)

When I lived in Saudi Arabia and we all used to "hang" around with each other and I was around 4/5 playing knock and run, getting chase by the guards on there quad bikes.
Being in Sri Lanka visiting my drives family for Christmas in 2004, was a big change but was such a good time away.
When my nan used to have all 18 grandchildren in the summer and we all used to play bugs me, football, one touch, mums&dads, get lady birds and making plates of toast to share.
I have so many more memorises.

Because I'm genuinely interested and have seen it being asked around Ask.fm. Feel free to delete this if you'd like - What was your initial impression of me? Has it changed? Do you think any differently of me now? Be honest, please.

I don't really know a lot about you due to being slack since I started following you! You send out some great questions though, thankyou :) but your beautiful and seem lovely.


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